Thanks Nina-chan

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~Pov Bokuto Kotaro~
It felt nice to hold him in my arms. He never liked being touched or hugged if I hugged him he would hit me or kick me. And he wasn't a violent person so I never hugged him or something like that. Nobody was allowed to really touch him. Maybe a pat on the back, but even then he would be about to hit you or something like that. He also never really raised his voice sure he would yell out the name of the spiker in games, but never outside of games or training. He would also never show emotions. I never thought there would be a point were all of it cracks. A mental breakpoint was never something I thought he had. But here I'm standing with Akaashi in my arms slowly breaking.
"Hey Keiji? We can go to my house okay? It's just a five minute walk from here"
"Mhm... okay..." he tried to stand without me holding, which didn't work out. He instantly collapsed against my chest.
"Here let me help you." I picked him up to carry him bridal style. I hid his face in my chest. He was shaking.
"Are you cold?" He didn't say anything but nodded. I somehow took of my jacket and put it over him like a blanket. I started walking and felt his tears on my shirt. One minute before we arrived at my house his breath calmed and he fell asleep. Now I'm standing in front of my door and can't reach my keys. How am I supposed to get in? My mother was away again for god knows how long. I was standing in front of my door for 5 minutes trying to figure out how I can get inside.
Oh I remember that voice they moved in a few days ago.
"Oh hey Nina-chan"
"What are you doing outside your house?" Nina-chan is a seven year old girl she's small and has long dark hair.
"Uhhh...I can't reach my keys."
"Where are they?" She asked getting closer to me.
"They are in my bag"
"Okay wait I will get them for you when you tell me who that boy is. Is he your boyfriend?"
"Wha-what? No he isn't he's my best friend and setter in volleyball." I started blushing.
"Oohh. Sorry but you two would be a cute couple." She giggled whilst getting out my key.
"Well it wouldn't be bad you know?" I muttered hoping she wouldn't hear it.
"Then go for it."
"I will."
"Good" she said and unlocked my door giving me back my keys.
"Thanks I will get you ice cream or something like that."
"Sounds good. Bye." She turned around and gave me a little wave.
"Bye Nina-chan"
I was finally inside I closed the door. I made my way upstairs to my room. I carefully laid Keiji down on my bed pulling off his shoes. I took of his shirt not looking at him. I put him in one of my shirts and god he looked so cute. I changed into my pyjamas and layed down next to him hugging him. Soon after I fell asleep too.

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