Too cute

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Bokuto woke up before Akaashi. He really had the urge to kiss him. He knew that he couldn't kiss him on the lips, so he gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. His head was still hot. He wanted to move but he knew that Akaashi would wake up from that and he definitely didn't want him to wake up.

He always thought that Akaashi was super pretty, hot and cute. He knew that he caught feelings for him, but he never told him. He didn't want to ruin their friendship.

He was starting to think what they could do today since it was Sunday there wasn't much to do and Akaashi was still sick.

He had been thinking for an hour, the fact that Akaashi was laying on top of him didn't make thinking easy. Maybe they would just chill, watch some stupid show and make something to eat. The part with making something to eat would be a bit hard with Bokutos amazing *cough cough* cooking skills.

Akaashi was still asleep two hours have passed. Bokuto had been on his phone scrolling through Instagram and texting Kuroo. Well Kuroo decided he'd FaceTime Bokuto, Bokuto didn't complain.

"So Bro why you texting me the whole time. Aren't you like doing something with Akaashi?"

"I am bro"

"Bro your in your fucking bed"

"Yea. "

"Where's Akaashi what is he doing?"

"He's here." Bokuto swapped to the back camera. So Akaashi sleeping was showed.

"Bro! That's so cute!" Kuroo yelled. Bokuto was happy that he wore headphones.

"Kuroo! Shut up! I'm trying to do my maths homework!" Kenma came in.
"Holy shit! Is that Akaashi?! He looks so relaxed. But Kuroo why do you have a picture or video of Akaashi sleeping?"


"Hey Kenma!!" Bokuto swapped back to the front camera.

"What the??"

"Akaashi is still sleeping so Bokuto and I decided to FaceTime!"

"Okay but why is Akaashi sleeping on Bokuto?"

"Ya Bro why is he sleeping on you?"

"Bro I don't know. It happens often. I think he is just clingy in sleep. Not that I'm complaining it's kinda cute..." He muttered getting red.

"Kenma our OTP is real!" "Kuroo I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears. Now be quiet I have to do maths!"

"Need help?"
"Actually yea... Just didn't want to bother you..." Kenma looked down on his feet.
"Aww Kitty your so adorable~ You aren't bothering me."
"I know just feel like I do..."
"Come here" Kuroo pulled Kenma in for what looked like a hug but he kissed him. Soon after the kiss turned into a full make out session.
Bokuto was already forgotten.

Bokuto couldn't see the things that were happening. He already plugged his headphones out.
Akaashi was woken up by a not so innocent sound.
"What the..."
Bokuto was already searching for his phone.
He was really flustered.
He finally found his phone and ended the phone call.

"Kō? What were you doing...?" He looked at Bokuto quit angry. You couldn't blame him he was woken up by a moan.
"Uhh it's not what it looks-uhh sounds like."
"Then explain"
"So I was FaceTimeing Kuroo and then Kenma came in and yelled at him for being loud. So uhm it escalated after the kiss I think...?"
"Okay wow no shame"
"Sorry for waking you up..."
"It's fine"

"Okay so what did you plan on doing today? I mean we can't go outside with me sick..."
"Hey it's not a problem okay? Let's just chill and watch some movies"
"Yea sounds nice."
"Let's go down!"
"Really I'm too lazy... Can't we watch it on your laptop?"
"But I'm to lazy to get up. Please Kō~ Let's stay in bed"
"Here is your special treatment. Since you won't go down I will carry you down."
"P-put me down Kō..."
"But then you have to walk down. So I thought I would carry you down."
Just as Akaashi answered he was laid on the couch again.

"Okay I have some Horror movies that I really wanna watch. But Kuroo won't watch them with me. So let's watch them"
"I won't hold you if you get scared"
"I won't be scared."

And as you all expected he got so scared. In the end Bokuto ended up with Akaashi sitting in between his legs and snuggled up against him telling him that's just a movie.

Akaashi was always looking at the actors after they died to see if you can see that they're still alive. If you could he just quietly laugh.

Akaashi found the last one boring because it wasn't really scary. He even fell asleep again.
Bokuto of course thought it was cute.

The movie finished and Bokuto laid Akaashi down on the couch.
He was about to make some easy food, that he knew how to cook, when the door opened.
"Kōtarō! Keiji!"
"Psss. In the kitchen."
"Oh sorry is he asleep?"
"Yea he fell asleep while watching a movie. The scariest part about that is that it was a Horror Movie."
"Wow. Anyway can I help you to make food?"
"Okay so what's his favorite food?"
"Okay I will show how to make it and I will write it down too. So let's start"

After 30 minutes it was finished.
"Go and wake him up"
"Isn't needed anymore" a yawning Akaashi walked in.
"Good good now let's eat."
"Thanks for the meal"

When they finished eating Bokutos mother left again. Akaashi and Bokuto decided to watch some comedy shows.
As you know Akaashi fell asleep again.
Bokuto almost died watching him sleep, he almost got a nosebleed because of how cute Akaashi looked.

He decided to confess soon.

I'm going to help you ||Bokuaka|| 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒅Where stories live. Discover now