Chapter three

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Its been a day afta the swearing in ceremony. With every day that passes I looked forward to seeing Isma'il in the camp.

I waited this long for Ismail's phone call and it's driving me crazy seeing that he made a fool out of me for keeping my number as his phone accessory.

I refused to make male frnds even though I was friendly to everyone. And I became popular because I matched well without letting my body weighed me down. Initially I felt shy, but I gradually got used to everything. I tried as much as possible to cover up my hair wit hijab and I used long socks.

Most of the northern girls do not like matching and most of them exited because we found all that to be a new life style.

We are used to covering our body nd we had to walk around wit shorts, we walk softly nd kind of found matching to b very difficult to adapt.

It wasnt easy for all of us, but so many of our northern guys still gossip about who wears hijab in camp, like seriously??

Most of them do not know that hijab was allowed, some bought a longer hijab only to be told we need short ones, some of us were not given proper orientation of how the camp is, some of us had no idea the size of the shorts they would be wearing. Some of us were never prepared for the camp or what might await us.

It baffled me den seeing guys judging girls in what seems non of our faults. If only they know the kind of deliberations and dilema we go through just to be comfortable and carry out the normal activities that only last for few days.

I went to social night  after Isha and I heard a familiar voice called my name out. Most guys during the first few days of my stay addressed me as "hajiya".

I turned only for me to see handsome creature smiling right in front of me. I pinched myself a little to b sure I wasnt sleeping.

"Dont youu have frnds"? Ismail asked.

"I have, they normally stay in the mosque for the Islamiyya".

"That is great. Can I sit with you"?

"Yes of course you can corper Isma'il", I said, pointing out an empty portion of the sit to him.

I lost my phone and I took exit to go to the city, I just came back today nd I looked everywhere for you.

My head was down and I could feel my 2 legs squeezing together. I smiled and asked him how his trip went.

"Zainab I have two things I want to ask you if you don't mind", He said, looking at me so deeply.

I swear I could feel every single reaction in my body, and his looks served as catalyst to dem.

I am all ears Isma'il", I said.

The first question needs advice, "there is this my friend that loved a lady in this camp. Do you think things might just work out between them"?

I burst into laughter. We just arrived camp nd your frnd is inlove already? Is he going to feed her with the 33k allowee and find shelter for her after the camp or he is just going to use her and dump her during the orientation course.

He was silent. "Wat if he have plans Zainab? Wat if he will be able to cater for her? What if he find comfort in her nd want to build up his family with her?
Growth is little by little, the problem with you girls is that you all love ready made. You downgrade us forgetting that Allah is the one who enrich his servant.

I just smiled and kept my thoughts to myslf, because I have that attitude of always going for older and well to do men. I was squeezing my fingers wen he cleared his throat...

"Secondly, if you dont mind, can you please pay our drink bill"? That was when I reaslised he was holding two bottles of drink.

I was like wtf?!!, In my mind.

I looked up and he was smiling. "That is mamakious (surprising) you know. You see the reason why most girls wont marry their fellow corper"?

He smiled. "I know you are a friend that is why I asked you to pay for us, but blieve me, I will pay the next bill Zainab".

My platoon member approached me and Isma'il stood up and left. I felt used and dumped. Why would he ask me to pay for it and then left witout even saying goodbye?



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