Chapter Thirteen

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It was two weeks to the wedding and I woke up with terrible stomach ache. I shouted anty Haleema's name and I could see white background all over the place.

I woke up few minutes later and I could hear anty Haleema calling out doctor's name and that was when I realised I was in the hospital.

A young doctor rushed over me. He wrote tests for me and I carried them out.

Since the little misunderstanding with Ismail, he refused to call me or pick my call.

I did the tests and the doctor diagnosed me of kidney failure and he recommended kidney transplant immediately.

Uncle Sanusi had no option than to call my Dad to come from kano and see the situation I was in. Baba cried his eyes out blaming himself for being an uncaring father, likewise our step mum too, she seeked for forgiveness of everything that had happened and for coming between a father and His children.

Uncle Sanusi told them I needed time and space and the main thing that was their priority is to see me get well.

I checked my phone waiting for Ismail's call but there was no call at all.

Uncle Sanusi called Ismail's elders informing them of the situation I was in and that was when Ismail came in after isha.

Anty halima along with Raheela who was supposed to sleep with me left us to talk.

I miss you Ismail, it's been few days to our wedding please I want you to be strong for me and pray for me. The wedding can take place and we may do the events after the surgery, I said holding his hands.

"Please let us not suspend the wedding", I added.

He kept quiet and all what he did was to look at me.

"Ismail I am talking to you", I said.

He had tears in his eye and looked very sympathetic.

Zainab my mum died with same illness. I think everything should be suspended till after the surgery.

Do you have any kidney donor? He asked this time looking so emotional, weak and unstable.

No, I don't have for now. I haven't discuss such with anyone but I am sure Uncle Sanusi have plans.

I am just worried about us. He said releasing his hands from mine.

"Ba mutuwa zanyi ba. It is just a sickness. Cuta bata kashe mutum Ismail", I said.

It is a sickness that my mum died of and people will be looking upto me to forfeit one of my kidneys to my wife to be.

This time around I was just angry and furious of his words. How does he want me to cope with the sickness and thoughts of him breaking up with me and leaving me when I needed him the most. Why is he even behaving childishly? Why on earth would someone ask him to donate his own kidneys?

I turned around to face the wall so that we can stop discussing the annoying topic. And I could here him taking his steps out of the hospital room.

My tears poured like uncontrollable rain. Raheela and Anty Haleema came in and adviced me about embracing the sickness with good faith that it was just a moment and everything is gona be alright.


The next day Baba and uncle Sanusi informed me that my wedding date has been shifted to a month time. To a time when the operation might be done successfully.

I was startled that Ismail haven't called me again since the last encounter. I and my family know that Isma'il doesn't have enough resources to help me go through the surgery and thesame time go on with the wedding preparation that was why non of my family members bothered him with such. I was still under my family and just needed his support as a lover and someone whom I would spend the rest of my life with and that was all.

I sat down very lonely on the hospital bed. I looked at the watch in the room and it was almost Asr and I havn't even prayed Zuhr. I put my face in my palms and I was just thinking bout life and so many things it entails.

Most people of nowadays do not want responsibility of others on them. They want to marry but do not know the primary aim of getting married.

I was lost in thoughts when Baba and Uncle Sanusi met me in the room to inform me that my theatre had been fixed in two days time.

Baba you did not tell me we already have a donor, I said looking at Baba.

Baba smiled and held my hands.

We can do anything just to keep you alife Zainab. We can go to any length just to give you happiness and a reason to live.

"You are my favorite, but let it be a little secret between us", Baba added, And we all bursted into laughter.

We said our goodbyes and I could not hide my tears seeing that Baba and my step mum would be going back to kano.


I was discharged two weeks after the surgery and two weeks before wedding. We all came back home and there was no sign of Ismail or his calls.

I kept lying to Anty Haleema that Ismail always call me to find out about my wellbeing. At some point Anty kept interrogating me because she sensed I was lying but she later gave up after I kept on insisting bout it.

I was preparing tea in the kitchen when blessing informed me that Ismail was outside waiting for me.

After a long hesitation, I went out and found him standing outside with his face down.

I greeted him as if nothing had happened.

You can come in and sit, I said pointing to the door.

I am so sorry Zainab. I was so busy that I did not get to check you up, he said after feeling reluctant to come inside the house.

It is absolutely okey. It is only me and blessing at home, you can come in.

He entered and sat on the floor and still apologised for his mistakes.

We chatted a little while and continued with the wedding plans. There was no going to be event, I insisted It was just the Nikah and Walima.

He waited for uncle Sanusi to come back home and I left them to talk.

It was two days to the wedding and I lost hope on Ismail completely. I do not have feelings for him like before and I kept on having second thoughts about being with him for the rest of my life.

Like who actually lives you when you needed them the most and then come back to just apologised and think everything will go as planned. A squeezed paper can never be stretched as a new one.

The house was filled up with people and everyone was congratulating me of taking a huge step in my life, not knowing that It was one of the hardest decision I would be taking which was leaving with someone who actually have zero care about me in a life threatening situation.

I kept on hiding my worries from people and anty haleema couldn't hide hers. She called me to ask if I really wanted to marry Ismail after all what he did.

Aure fa rayuwa ce. You will live with him forever Zainab. I know you love him and it is two days to the wedding. We don't want to get angry and take a drastic precausion and step that will worsen your health. We will always go with what you want and our prayers will always be with you.

I had tears in my eyes. She had no idea the kind of feelings I have for Ismail, it is a mixed feeling that I myself can't explain. I dont know if I hated him or loved him for living me to die on hospital bed by myself.



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