Chapter Sixteen

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It is exactly two days and I am already parking my things to the BQ with the help of Rahila and Mufeeda. It was a three bedroom apartment with kitchen, three toilets, a store and a dining area. They helped me arranged two rooms as ordered by anty Halima and left the remaining room for yaya yusuf.

They left me cleaning up Yaya yusuf's room when they heard his voice outside the door and my heart beat faster with the thoughts of having to face him as my husband.

He came inside the room and locked the door and I looked so startled. He approached me and I could swear I died a thousand time and got resurrected before he finally opened the wardrobe behind me. I sighed relieved because I could swear he was going to touch me and I was already closing my eye and having chills all over my body.

He broughts out two clothes. A Blue and a White Kaftan.

Which do I put on today? He asked.

Go with the white one. You look good in white Kaftan.

Before I could close my mouth he was already pulling up his shirt and I couldn't resist staring at his warm looking chest.

Stop looking at me. You are abusing me with ur eyes.

I felt shy and covered my face without a word. He dressed up while I entered the bathroom and pretended I was doing something.

I came out and he was already gone. I sat on the bed and Ismail's memory came back fresh. I missed him and Couldn't stop thinking the fact that I was supposed to be with him now as my husband. I like Yusuf but I love Ismail more.

After eating dinner in the main house, uncle Sanusi summomed us with marital lectures. It was a long one but it worth every minute of our time.

Anty Halima and others escorted me to my little world. I sat and waited for Yusuf that day but he came in late when I started dozzing in the parlor.

He sat on the floor and I could feel his stare through my soul.

Madam I know that you are not sleeping", He said sitting beside me.

I wanted denying but My eye were already twitching non stop.

I opened them and he bursted into laughter.

"Lets go in and pray", He said standing on his feet.

He pulled me up and straight to my room. We perfomed ablution and prayed together. We seek Allah's Rahama, blessing and Noor in the journey we are about to begin.

He went to the kitchen and came back with a nylon of chicken, yoghurt and soft drinks.

My body was doing me one kind.... lol. On a more serious note I was more scared than ever, he started eating and I could barely eat a piece of the chicken not even drinking the most favorite thing on earth to me which is yoghurt.

Eat well. I don't you want to sleep with hunger. Don't worry I would not touch you today, I might not even touch you tomorrow or next. I can not do anything with you, not until you are with me physically and emotionally.

I nodded my head and he fed me well and saved me the stress of eating by myself. He would give me to eat and then complete every piece that I started eating until  I could eat no more. He left the yoghurt with me and went outside my room.

I waited if he would come back but he did not, I guessed he slept in his own room.


It is been a week. After greeting them in the morning blessing would follow us with our breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Mufeeda and Rahila were always with us in our little world to gist and laugh and would always excused themselves whenever Yaya Yusuf was around.

He would not allow me eat by myself. He always fed me until I am satisfied but does not sleep in my room.

Ismail's thoughts deminished day by day from my mind. And I was becoming more attched to Yusuf because of the love he showed me.


It's been two month and we have not consummated the marriage. I became worried and I needed nothing other than being one with Yusuf.

He would gist me and cracked jokes, he fed me for days and still counting since wen we started living together as couples.


We do go to office together and I come back earlier than him always.

I went to the parking space and I noticed someone like Ismail approaching me.

I walked quickly to the car and entered it but he stood behind and refused to get out of the way.

I horned but he was still standing. I went outside the car and he was already down on his knees asking for forgiveness.

Yusuf text came in and I looked confused with thoughts that he might see us  and feel a little broken.

Hear him out, forgive him and settle things once and for all. Love you so much wifey. He texted.

I pointed at the garden and we sat there to talk. I listened to his apologies and forgave him of his mistakes.

"I am happily married and all thanks to you. You do not expect me to live my few months marriage to be with you, don't you"? I asked him.

"No, that is not it. I am really happy for you. I promised my dad I will ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me Zainab".

It is okey. We will forever be friends. I said and went to my car and straight to the house.

I went inside the main house and blessing was looking at me suspiciously.

Anty Zee you are looking fresh oo. I must chop that jollof rice soon.

Which jollof rice? I said looking confused.

For small oga now. All this freshness you dey glow no be from here. Blessing said while teasing me.

I burst out laughing. And who told you I am pregnant?

Yusuf cleared his throat and I was shocked to see him at home.

You did not tell me you are coming, I said going towards him.

I can't get you off my mind, He said as he was looking at blessing laughing.

Don't kill me with love this hot afternoon oo. I wan do my duty jeje before madam comes back.

We all laughed and made our way to our apartment.



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