Chapter Twelve

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Eleven months Later

The bond between me and Ismail grows bigger and better. We settled our differences real quick and I was introduced to Uncle Sanusi's firm after Yusuf's departure and after completing my nysc program.

Mufeeda developed interest in oncology and went back almost immediately to specialised in the course, while Raheela was in law school.

Yusuf sent message to uncle Sanusi to inform him that he had gotten someone over there that he would want to marry.

Uncle Sanusi looked worried and called me together with his wife to discuss the issue.

He apologised to me and made it clear that Yusuf have already found someone and they would'nt want to force us do things that are totally against our will.

After alot of advice, uncle sanusi asked me if I had anyone in mind.

I smiled and looked at anty halima who was staring at me too.

Alhamdulillah then, Uncle Sanusi said. We are still executing the promise we made to you even though you are not ending up with our son, we would take full responsibility of your wedding.

We will take care of your wedding and all the expenses inshaa Allah. We promise to give you the best wedding. You can call him to come nd see us during the weekend before we will finally send him to your father".

I nodded my head and I was so happy. We said our goodbyes and I called Ismail almost immediately to inform him of the progress.

He was so happy and promised to inform his parent's right away.


After the wedding introduction the date was fixed in six months time. I was so happy about it and everything.

I called Raheela and Mufeeda informing them of the wedding and they promised to attend if they are chanced.

I went back to kano to meet Baba for the wedding preparation and advices.


Its been 3weeks to the wedding and Baba insisted I go back to abuja because he gave Uncle Sanusi and his elder brother in Abuja full responsibility of being my Waliyy and anty halima would be organising most of the events.

Ismail was the one who picked me up at the airport to the house. He entered and greeted everyone and uncle Sanusi teased us about the wedding.

"Zainabu kinga in ya aureki shekara mai zuwa sai ya samo miki abokiyar zama" , he said.

I could'nt hide the sad expresion and they all laughed.

We approached the dining table and Yusuf called me. At first I wasn't sure about his voice and I haven't chatted with him since when he called uncle and talked to him about his newly founded love in switzerland.

"Haba Zainab. You can not even call me to tell about your wedding? Have you forgotten the promise you made? Yusuf asked.

Ismail's eye was on me and I just had to smile and excused myself.

"Ba haka bane yaya Yusuf (It is not like that brother Yusuf)", I said.

I am happy you will finally be with the one you love. Baba is still angry with me because I broke the deal of marrying you.

Do you have someone you are actually seeing? I asked.

"No I dont. I just want the plan to work out for you before coming back home. I don't think I can ever find someone that can replace Maryam. She was all I ever wanted".

I felt so sorry for Yusuf that for a moment I thought of giving him all the care he need in this world for making me achieve my dream.

After a couple moment of silent, we said our goodbyes and cut the call.

I went back to Ismail who was still sitting on the table.

"I was talking to yusuf, I said.

Your ex who ran away and decided not to marry you? He asked.

What?! I exclaimed.

"I don't want to ever see you talking to him on phone Zainab", he said.

I was about to talk when he stormed and hit the table hard that blessing came out to see what was happening.

It was so scary seeing that side of Ismail. I guess his jealousy was one of a kind. But who am I not to talk with Yusuf? When he is like a brother to me and his family Is all I got, if not because of his sacrifice our love would have been swept under the carpet.



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