Chapter Fifteen

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At around 10pm, I switched on my phone and there were so many messages. The first person that came to my mind to talk to was Yusuf.

I dialed his number and he picked right away.

Where are you? You kept us worried. Where exactly are you Zainab? He asked.

Shhhhh! Dnt let anyone know that you are talking to me. And please come with Rahila and Mufeeda to the BQ.

I switched the phone off and I waited for them.

They came few minutes later and I opened the door.

Rahila Ismail ya gujeni, ya cuceni just because I have ailment that I have already recovered from, I said hugging Rahila who was the first person that entered the room.

Rahila hugged me back and cried with me together with Mufeeda. And for a moment yusuf was standing and looking at us, he made us had a moment until I wanted to talk and let it all out.

I came hear because I wanted to be myself. I want to die. Who runs away a day to their wedding? I get more scared wallahi after seeing plenty people that are all here to witness a day that will never come. I took a breath and bursted into a louder cry.

Rahila hugged me untill I felt safe in her hands.

Adda Zainab things like this happens for a reason. Why are you even worried about somone who doesn't even care about your health or wellbeing? Aren't you even happy that you two will saperate?

I sobbed loudly untill my voice became light and I could cry no more.

Rahila insistead she call anty halima and uncle Sanusi and I had no option than to let her do that.

Yusuf made his way out without saying a word, all what he did was to deep stare us.

They all gave me advice and told me not to worry about anything. I wiped out my tears and then we made our way to the main house.

Anty Halima assured everyone that I was okey and it was just wedding fever that was wrong with me that was why I needed to isolate my self and cry my heart out just to ease and reduce the pain of marrying and leaving my loved ones behind.

I tried so hard to behave normal amidst my friends and family and wondered what might happen and the type of marriage that might take place tomorrow without a groom.


Rahila and Mufeeda woke me up to pray subh on the day of the wedding and I could feel my pulse higher than usual. I prayed and then pray to almighty Allah to ease my affairs, a text from Ismail came in which read as follows:

Hi my world. I love you so much and it wasn't my intension to cancel out the wedding that we plan for long. My conscious kept judging me for letting you go when you needed me the most, our marriage will only bring in confusion and disappointments due to past things that had happened.
History repeated itself and I do not really have the same courage as my father. He married my mother despite all her ailments and health issues and we all have to suffer it and see our mum die.

I held my phone with blank expression all over me. I have forgiving him long since, he could have amend his mistakes by not running from the wedding because by so doing he is making me more depressed and making my thinking faculty to be unsustainable with my thoughts. We could have simply made things right.

I held my head into my hand and a second text from Ismail came in.

I love you so much Zainab but Yusuf loves you more. He gave and sacrificed what I did not. He gave you a life when I was being an a**hole. Please forgive me and settle with him. I thought about it day and night and I wanted the best for you wallahi. Please Marry him to make me feel relieve from my vulnerability and thougths of breaking you into pieces.

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