Chapter Four

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I went through all the guys in my contacts one after the other and felt so stupid loving them.

I figured out I was the one actually loving dem on my own and going to any limit just to please them and keep them.

I am already loving Ismail, though I know he might not plan to settle or have a family now, we jst finished school and both of us are still under the roof of our parents. He looks like someone who does'nt even planned of marrying anytime soon. Like why on earth will I think of marrying somone who asked a girl to pay his bills?

I vow never to tell a guy modan the basic things he should know bout me.

Guys somtyms make you feel comfortable and you end up telling them things you will regret saying out forever. They are things we say that even if you were in his shoes you would break up with yourself.

I hated the kind of relationship I had with men. They are things that I never dream't of doing and ended up sacrificing my honor just to keep a man. 

I realised the hard way that being real keeps a man who want to be kept. A man who does'nt want to be kept will only be with you based on conditions that will eventually varnish or as long as he benefits from you.

I held my hand to my  head. I wanted to repent so deeply nd make things right. I want to hold myself in high self esteem and delete my past life nd find new love after camp.

I found it scary how all the people including the soldeirs respected me so much. I had alot of compliments on how I do tins alone and never do anything wrong that will tarnish my image. Most people believed I was too calm to be single.

I do meet with Ismail after parade occassionally, we discuss one or two things and somtimes he escort me to the hostel from socials or mosque.

He doesn't have problem seeing me talking to other guys. He escused us wen ever I was being approached.


It's a day of d carnival and I was all moody, I looked at myslf in d mirror and I looked so black and ugly. Isma'il called me out from d mosque and I was more angrier when I saw him looking fresh nd more handsom as ever.

I did little make up nd wore our hausa attire. I went out nd he was complmenting me.

"Keep that to yourself Ismail, don't make me more angry", I said.

"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You are beautiful, your attitude is beautiful, you are calm snd religious, you are generous and the most reserved person I have seen in this camp.

I smiled. "stop teasing me", I said.

"Disconnect" I heard our platoon officers voice. "We are rehearsing now, you can gist later in the day".

"Sir this one doesnt disconnect easily, it is supported by 5G", Ismail said. We all laughed and I went for rehersal.

Isma'il played the role of a northern king in their platoon. Seeing him made me fall inlove with him, his dimples are jst too cute. I could see him winked at me and I felt as if I was dying of happiness.

I smiled and looked away.

"Amariya", I heard somoness voice behind me. I turned and saw two ladies from my platoon laughing.

"Is the rumour true"? The other lady asked.

"What rumor"?, I replied looking confused

" The rumour that Ismail is your boyfriend".

"My boyfriend?, I asked.

Jane tapped me on the shoulder and draw my cheeks.

"Yes your boyfriend. You guys are cool togeda that is why I said you are his amariya. It is very possible to see both of you get married".

I could'nt read the expresssion on fatima's face who was looking at her freind Jane.

"I now believe the saying that, love is blind. Of all the beautiful girls in camp Ismail only chooses you to talk to? In ba karambani na maza bama, ai kin girme mishi", Fatima said.

"Na girmeshi kuma"? I asked.

"Ha'an Fati you are not nice. Does size really matters? Beside I am sure he is older than her",Jane said.

I smiled at looked at Fati to reply and I could see jealousy written all over her.



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