Chapter Seventeen (The end)

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He sat and I sat so close to him. He stood up and picked a bottle of fresh juice from the fridge and came back to sit so close to me. This time around without any space.

"I came back because I was already missing you Zainab", he said.

I blushed and before I know it he was already putting the bottle of juice in my mouth to sip.

"You did not ask me how it went with Ismail earlier today", I said waiting to hear what he would say.

I know you settled everything between you two. It is of no use keeping people in mind with grudges. It is better to let go and embrace the twist in our lifes.

"But you have not let go of your past yaya yusuf",  I said.

See who is talking. Why do you think so wifey?

Because we have not consummated the marriage.

He burst into laughter and I felt a sting in my throats and I regretted bringing out such topic to discuss.

Do you have idea why I excercise daily? It is because I do not want to force you into something you are not ready to commit emotionally. I do that to ease affairs btween us. I am a healthy human who will definitely not turn down a healthy gorgeous woman like you. I just wanted things to come on naturally btween us.

"If you are ready we can have a good afternoon ....... he cleared his throat, you know", He said as he smiled and scratched his hair.

 I hitted his shoulder. Stop teasing me yaya Yusuf.

I am not. He said as he put his head on my laps and held my hands to his soft hair.

Without saying a word I massaged him and he gisted me about his love maryam and how he lost hope in relationships completely.

You know, I thought I would never fall inlove but I ended up liking everything about you Zainab.
I love your boldness and charisma. I started loving you since when I understood the type of person you are, and I was more devastated when I found out that you loved someone else.

Blessing knocked and she was with our food. She mocked us a little and left us. He fed me well until anty Halima sent me text to come and escort her to some grocery shopping.


We came back late and I went to the main house to pick our food.  I went to our apartment and searched for yaya yusuf.

I checked his room and he was lying down so tired. I approached him and he told me he needed paracetamol ASAP.

I went back to the main house to collect paracetamol from anty Haleema.

I gave him and He prayed both maghrib and Isha when he felt a little relieved.

He asked me to stay with him in his room. I told him to allow me go and change in my room but He picked up a bag of lingerie and told me to change into it.

I opened the bag and I was shocked to see the type of clothes he want me to change into.

I held the bag on my laps as he got undressed to go take his shower.

"Won't you join me wifey"? I couldn't catch my breath hearing him said that.

I ignored him and Immediately he entered the bathroom, I found myself exiting his room to mine. I took shower and could not snap out the thoughts of seeing him with only towel.

I prayed my two rakats and said my salam. I turned and he was standing by the door waiting for me.

I come to pick up my wife to make babies. He said scratching the back of his head.

I blushed and covered my face.

He swift me off my feet and straight to his room without feeling my heavy weight.

We prayed Nafilat together and he carried me to the bed. He went into the toilet and I changed into the lingerie that was still sitting on the bed. I entered the blanket because I was so shy of myself talk more of yaya Yusuf.

He came out and lay on the bed too. He held my head and prayed for us and kissed me.

Before I could realised what just happened he took off the blanket and I could not explain the type of overwhelming shyness I went through.


I woke up the next morning with so much pain and tiredness. We prayed subh and he volunteerd to bath and massaged me. He made breakfast for us and fed me as usual, I felt so shy facing him in the morning. He made me took a day off at office.

He told anty Halima and uncle Sanusi that I was not feeling too well that was why I was not going to work that day.

They came in and I had already folded myself up on the couch. Uncle Sanusi exited and Anty Halima said she would send blessig with herbs and I should make sure I do sit bath in hot water. I guessed she knows what's up... lol

She sent blessing with herbs and lots of fruits. I took them and to my surprise yusuf came back very early and we were caught up inlove that evening and at night too.

It is been 2 months and I have not seen my period. I got a test strip and my pregnancy was positive. I went to the hospital and I was confirmed that I was seven weeks pregnant and I couldn't wait to break the news to yusuf.

After eating dinner, I asked him to close his eye and I handed him over the paper.

He opned and embraced me in a tight hug rubbing my stomach with his palm.

I want you to close your eye too, I also got a surprise.

He handed me car keys and a key that I was not sure what it was for.
This is our new apartment key, it is just down the street and this is your new car key for my baby. The baby deserves something new, he said rubbing my stomach non stop.

I thanked him so well and he was very emotional while kissing me deeply.

Yaya yusuf babies din basuyi kwari bafa. A bar su su huta, I said.

He laughed and romanced me till I reluctantly gave up and went with him to the lovers world.


Its been five years and we have 3 children already. Our bond grow bigger and he fed me everyday of our life when he is chanced. Sometimes he would just sit us up and he woud feed me and the children after which I will feed him saperately.

He is the best that had happened to me and  I can confidently say that all the breakups and life tests I went through were a blessing to be with the love of my life..

When we trust Allah with our affairs, things fall in place in the best way that Allah planned for us because he is the best of planner and the most knowlegeable.

          ******** the end.



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You can check up my other book titled "Aminatu", I promise you will like it too.

Much love.


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