Chapter Eight

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I gulped down all my anger as I looked towards anty Halima's direction. Her eyes were on us and I just had to smile.
I sat near him and that was when I noticed the whole house was scenting yusuf.

I breathed deeply and opened the foodflask. It was chips and egg sauce. My favorite meal of all time.

I ate slowly because I was'nt free with his presence.

Uncle Sanusi and his wife made their exit and yusuf escorted them and Immediately he stood I ate very fast. I could'nt waste such a great meal and its been long I had it. It was less dan 5minutes that I finished everything in the cooler. I picked my bag and met him in front of the parlor.

"Eating fast is a very bad habit. You could have just choked up and ended up in a critical condition", He said; as he opened the car and entered.

I mimicked him when I noticed he was not looking , I also eyed him and entered the car too. He handed me an envelop informing me that my request letter from his father's private firm was in it.

"Yaya yusuf you look great in native", I finally summoned courage to tell him how handsome he looked.

He neither responded nor looked at me.

"And I love your scent too, what is the name of the perfume"? I added.

He looked at me this time around and Ignored my questions.

Ismail kept calling me on the way to know if I was really going. And I just found it uncultured to pick the phone call.

Immediately when we arrived Ismail was standing in front of the secreteriate. I was so excited to see him. I shouted his name and jumped out of the car to talk to him. Before I could turn back, yusuf had already zoomed off.

His sight made me forget what happend btween me and yusuf that day. We chatted and he helped me with documentation.

Ismail escorted me home that day. He dropped me at the gate but I wasn't sure whether to allow him enter with his car. We chatted and said our goodbyes.

I opened the door and saw yusuf staring deeply at me. I turned around to see if there is anyone behind me as I approached him.

Did'nt you see my calls?

"My phone is on silent yaya yusuf", I replied him.

"But you have time to go out with your colleague don't you"?

I looked down. I know he was supposed to pick me up, but then I do not want to be in the same atmosphere with him. He looks like an angel but he behaves like an evil human sometimes.

"Go and dress up we are picking up Mufeeda and Raheela at the airport". He said.

I could'nt hide my happiness. I was so excited and I went to change into native. The house is boring always boring without the two trouble makers and I do not have anyone to gist with.

I went downstairs and straight to the car. I entered and he zoomed off.

I connected my phone to the car's bluetooth. The song that came to my mind was Memories by maroon5. I loved the lyrics so much that I could not resist singing along to clear up the silent atmosphere.

I was all caught up in the song when he stopped the car and apologised to me that he would be picking someone up. I looked up and that was when I realised that a lady was standing in front of the car and coming towards the car door.



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