Chapter Ten

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Its been 6months since I started my service. I do go to visit Baba every two months to see my younger ones.

The bond between me and Ismail grew bigger everyday. I normally close by 2pm and Yusuf by 5pm. I saved him the stress of taking me back home which was totally against his will because he felt Uncle Sanusi would sensed something between us.

Ismail closes by 12pm but he would wait in the mosque for me to close. He took it a duty upon himself to always take me back home.

On our way home, Ismail took me to drumsticks for a lunch. After eating the meal he asked me to pay for us and we all laughed.

"This is not camp you know", I said laughing my chest out.

"Yes and I am sorry about that. I was just trying to test you at camp", He replied.

"Hope I passed them well"?

Yes you did Zainab. You are an amazing lady that any man will crave to be with. You will make an amazing wife, mother and home maker.

"Stop teasing me Ismail", I said holding back my blushing.

I am not teasing you. I want you to accept my love and I promise you everything will workout inshaa Allah.

I smiled and nodded with agreement. He dropped me back home nd I couldn't wait to tell Raheela and Mufeeda about it.


Our bonds grew bigger and I grew more fond of Ismail.
Yusuf always avoided me in the house. Though anty Halima teases us occassionally.

Yusuf doesn't say anything to me. He became the hard guy that he has always been and I just needed to make things clear for him and make him understand that I am also not interested in marrying him.

If we join forces our parents might reason with us and stop thinking that we would make a couple when non of us is interested in being one, I thought.

There was no one at home and I went downstairs and straight to his room. I knocked several times before he finally opened.

I saw him with vest for the first time. With muscles and he was having the most sexiest chest hair I have seen in my life. He was putting on a bold face but I still concentrated on his pure white teeth.

What do you want?, he asked.

I was speechless and I was lost in  thoughts of hugging him. How would somone have a perfect body like yusuf?

Oh!, he exlaimed and went back to pick up his shirt.

He came out and I was still standing and looking at him.

"I want to talk to you", I said.

Let's go outside and talk den. I followed him at his back as he made his way into the garden.

What do you want to talk about? He asked.

I want to talk about you, I mean... I want to talk about and me, I stammered.

What about us? He asked looking at me as if I have stoled his soul.

Since we are not good for each other, I think....

Do I ever tell you We are not good for each other?

I mean since we don't have interest in the joint marriage stuff, I think we should tell our parent's about it.

You dont have interest in the marriage stuff?

No!, I mean't that since we are not interested it's better we tell them, and I am sure that they will let us be.

"You have somone you love"? He asked me and I tried hard to retain my anger.

Now this is the deinition of when you say somthing is annoying. Why is he making a fool out of me when he already understood what I am talking about, I thought as I looked at his face.

I smiled instead and nodded my head.

Is he the one that always pick you up at work? He asked.

I nodded with agreement.

Do you love him?

"Yes I do love him yaya yusuf", I replied.

Okey, since you love him it is high time you tell him you have someone you are getting married to soon.

I raised my head up and gave him a shocking look.

What is all this yaya yusuf? We don't even talk. I don't even know you. I know nothing about you and we live the worst this days.

He walked passed me with my mind full of thoughts.

I was so happy that I would be officially dating Ismail after a long friendship before he spoiled my mood. Atleast I know Ismail alot better dan yusuf. How would I break the news to Ismail?

I ran back to the room and I cried my heart out.  I don't want Mufeeda to notice somthing was wrong with me that day but instead she entered the room and saw me on the praying mat crying.

Zainab meya faru? I jst saw you few minutes ago gisting with yaya yusuf. I hope all is well?

Mufeeda, Yaya Yusuf is very mean, he is inconsiderate and wicked. He is the most selfish human I have seen. I am sorry I am talking about your brother this way.

It's totally okey Zainab, just tell me wat happened.

You know I told you about  loving Ismail that has always been by my side.

"Yes. What happened to him, she asked.

He asked me out. I thought telling yusuf will make him convince our parents about us but he asked me to inform Ismail that I would be getting married soon.

What?! Mufeeda exclaimed. He does not love you and does not anyone to love you. What type of thing is this now?

"That was what he said Mufeeda. He doesn't love me Mufeeda, it's just wickedness and selfishness, I added.

Stop crying I will talk to him. I don't know what has come over yaya yusuf this days.

She left me all alone to my thoughts. And I dialled Raheela's number who left us earlier to school for her final semester.


Its been three days since I don't go to work. Yusuf did not even bother checking me up or talking to me bout going to office. Anty Haleema told me yusuf informed her that I was not feeling too well and since then she had been checking up on me before going to work.

Mufeeda was always busy with the clinics doing her internship. Our gist were mainly about her patients and clinics. She was a book warm I would say, always reading and minding her business.

She always tells me to avoid her brother because he can be mean sometimes though she tried showing me he have a good side that I would love some day. And she also adviced that I should always pray in every situation I find my self in.



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