Interview Day

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  10 minutes ago, the talent search called me for my interview! I felt my heart pounding. This is it! The 1st exam!

   I was trembling when I answered the phone. I nodded every time the woman said a detail. She asked me if I was ready. I muttered, "M-maybe? I-I guess s-so?". The woman replied, "You should be! You can do it, I know you can." "Thanks. When is my interview?" "12 o' clock in the afternoon, sweetie! Good luck!" She put down the phone.

   I then searched some of uncle's books about what to say on interviews. I found an old, dusty book. I blew some of the dust and flipped the first page. I saw lots of tips and questions with example answers. I read them all until the grandfather clock ticked!

   I went inside my room and looked in my closet for a decent and presentable outfit. I saw an apple-green blouse with flowers and a long, skinny pair of jeans. I wore them as fast as I could. I quickly brushed my hair and wore a ponytail. I wore my purple sneakers. I put some lip gloss and wore my most-treasured star-charm pendant necklace. I told uncle Martin that I will go to the academy to have an interview for my talent search registration. I waved my hand and rode a minibus to the academy.

   It was so far so I had a little nap. I hopped out of the bus and stared at the academy. I went in and showed my registration stub as my pass to get in.

   The place was fully air-conditioned! Brrrrrrrrrr! I should have brought my jacket!

   There were some signs that show where to go for the talent show interview. I was excited! Really, excited, totally!

   A woman called my name and I searched for her. She then introduced herself to me. So she was the woman that called me for my interview! I followed her and she led me to a bright room full of cameras. 2 large seats were there. One for the interviewer and the interviewee. I then saw a long line of participants of the talent search. I was #64. Before me was a stubborn and clumsy girl from school.

   She was Angel Louise Swift. The mischievous student at our section in school. She always played tricks on us that always, fail. Pity on her! Hahaha!

   Anyway, I just sat down the cute, little chairs with music note prints on them. 4 hours passed, I was called! "Mae Lianne Jade R. Walters, #64!" A strange, tall man said in the microphone. "Yes!" I quickly skipped to the stage. I took a seat and made a forced smile, just like what I do when mom takes a picture of me.

   I was asked several questions, mostly about me and music. After 15 minutes, my interview ended. I smiled and thanked the interviewer and went out.

  Yay! I made it! I just don't know if I'll pass...


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