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"hanako-san, hanako-san.. are you there?"
"i'm hereee~~" whispered a voice from behind.
"hanako-san?!" I said, surprised at the sight that greeted me when I turned around. "but where is your red skirt? you're not even a girl!"

"that stuff's outdated, everything you heard about me apart from my gender is true," the apparation smiled before floating around me happily. "its been so long since i got a customer~! i'm so excited to grant your wish~"

"hm?" I looked at the small red pouch that fell from hanako-kun's pocket. "what's this shiny oval?"

"what? wait-dont touch that! give it back!" hanako-kun panicked and tried to snatch the pouch away from me.

"ah!" I tripped, lifting the pouch up into the air and dropping its contents as the floor met my back and a piece of the shiny oval went into my mouth.


"you dropped it everywhere!" hanako-kun scrambled to pick up the pouch and its contents.

"h-hanako-kun.. w-what's happening to me?" i stuttered with a scared look plastered on my face.

My arms were turning into scales. scales. the kind from fantasy books and movies that were not supposed to be real. Oh god i cant see that well anymore.

"(y/n)-chan, what have you done to your body?"

i blacked out.

"(y/n)-chan, (y/n)-chan, are you okay?" i opened my eyes to the sight of hanako-kun's face.

i reaches out to him. wait a moment... are those fins?!

i screamed and looked at my reflection on the fish bowl. i..turned into a fish.

"no need to panic I can always turn you back if you wish for it," hanako-kun chuckled, picking the fish bowl up from the sink counter and twirling back and forth.

"hanako-kun, stop! you're making me dizzy," i tried to hold on to the side of the bowl to no avail.

"hehe~ okay I stopped~ now would you like me to turn you back?" hanako-kun asked, setting me back down to the counter. "i can grant your wish and we'll be bound together~! or you can stay a fish."

"just turn me back already! anything but a fish!"

"your wish is my command~ but remember, you'll have to pay me back with your body~" he smirked, sticking his tongue out and placing the mermaid scale on it while giving me a dirty look before swallowing it.

i started to get taller and eventually reached my original size and height. i didnt celebrate or thank him as i was more preoccupied thinking about his words. "oh~ your face is so red~" he whispered in my ears, sending chills down my spine as he gently put his hands over my waist. "what's your other wish~? I can grant any wish." i shooked my head, signalling a no. i was too flustered to even mutter a word. "dont worry~ I didnt mean it like that" he stepped back and let go of his hands. "just messing with you~" I blushed a deeper hue of red, somehow missing the feeling of his hands on my waist. "when you have a wish, do tell," hanako-kun grinned. "for now, you're in charge of cleaning the toilets."

what am i supposed to do with this anxious heart thats not calming down?




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