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"(y/n)-chan" a voice whispered behind me. "(y/n)-chan!"

i ignored him and focused back on the test. i was already distracted enough with the sun glaring at me and the shouts of the students outside.

"(y/n)-chan!" amane-kun kicked my chair, causing me jump in surprise. i turned around with an annoyed look plastered on my face.

"what's the answer for question 4?"

"stop bothering me"

"but im your boyfriend"

"its c" i sighed in exasperation and turned back to my paper. i read the question before being interrupted again.


"IM TRYING TO FOCUS!!" i yelled at him angrily and stood up with my hands clenched in anger.

all eyes were on me as i turned beet red. i relaxed my hand and looked at tsuchigomori-sensei.

"(l/n), amane, see me after class."


"are you mad at me?" amane-kun asked, trying to keep up with my pace. i walked faster. i got reprimanded by tsuchigomori-sensei while he was let off with a warning.

"are you?" i stopped for a moment and glared at him.

"im sorry i didnt mean to do it," he reached out his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. i slowed my pace.

"i'll make up for it," he smiled. "do you wanna look at stars later?"

i returned the smile. "sure"


i rushed up the stairs and looked at the time. i was an hour late because of club and i forgot to tell him. i leaned against the rooftop door trying to catch my breath. i opened it hesitantly, expecting him to be gone by now. my mouth opened in surprise at the sight of him sitting cross-legged with his hands behind him on a picnic mat, looking up at the stars.

"amane-kun?" i called out to him.

"(y/n)-chan! come here!" he waved happily.

i sat down with my legs uncrossed beside him and looked at the basket full of food. "amane-kun, im so sorry for not telling you i would be late" i whispered. i felt so horrible for letting him sit in the cold for so long.

"its okay. you showed up so im happy" he locked eyes with me and plopped his head on my thigh. "you owe me a nap"

i chuckled and stroked his choppy black hair repeatedly, gazing at the beautiful navy night view. the stars glittered and shone. i looked down at the sleeping figure and lightly brushed my hand over the bandage on his cheek before going back to stroking his soft hair.

i bent down and pecked his forehead.

"i love you," i whispered, knowing that he wont hear me. "i love you and i hope we'll be together forever"


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