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thank you to @kawaiino for requesting this! <3
minamoto teru x apparation reader


i turned the corner and leaned my back to the wall, huffing and panting for air. even though i was an apparation, i was still very similar to humans. i cant float, i cant go through walls and i need air. i wasn't a school mystery so i have nothing to do most of the time.

"come back here!" minamoto-kun shouted, his footsteps getting closer and closer.

i groaned and tried to come up with a plan to escape the lunatic. "if i run now, there might be a way to come out of this alive. but where?" i muttered to myself.

i racked my tiny brain, thinking of places i could hide in. a lightbulb lit up. i sprinted away from where i was, exposing me to minamoto-kun. my breathing became more ragged and i was starting to slow down. i could hear his footsteps ringing louder and louder in my ears, indicating that he was right on my tail.

i made a sharp right and ran into the gym lockers, locking the door behind me. i slipped into the locker nearest to the door. if i want to escape him, i would need to distract him. unlike the other apparations in the school, i could not physically harm anyone but i did have the ability to touch humans. the only powerful power i have is paralysis. it doesnt hurt them, only stuns them for a while.

"come out so i can cut you open!" minamoto shouted as he pierced the door with his sword.

i bit my lip to suppress my urge of yelling back at him.

a loud bang could be heard as the door crashed down.

"where are-" i cut him off, pouncing out of the locker and grabbing his collar, smashing his lips into mine. i wrapped my arm around his torso and pulled him in. surprisingly, i felt him kissing me back. he bit my bottom lip, requesting entrance. i smirked and refused. he pinched my thigh, causing me to jump in surprise. i pulled away before he did anything else.

"maybe next time, minamoto-kun," i smiled playfully, putting my index finger on his soft pink lips.

he dropped almost lifelessly to the ground, his sharp sword clanging on the tiled floor beside him.

"bye bye~" i waved, hopping over his frozen body and running away.


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