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(y/n) and akane are childhood friends who live near each other. the akane in this story is more of the school mystery akane than the akane that obsesses over aoi. kinda ooc .-.


"akane-kun!" i shouted, knocking the door of his house repeatedly. "hey!"

"geez, stop banging my door down," he answered, opening the door and stepping aside to let me in. "what are you doing here so late at night?"

"my parents went overseas so im gonna sleep over at your place" i grinned, moving past him. "by the way, 10pm isn't considered late,"

"i never said you could come," he sighed, crossing his arms.

"you also didnt say i couldn't come," i smirked, "what's that smell? did you cook something?"

"i was hungry, want some?" he offered, grabbing a plate from the kitchen.

i nodded and watched him pour the curry beside the rice. i've always liked his food.

i followed him to the dining table and sat down on the chair he had pulled out for me. he placed the plate down and sat on the opposite side of the table. i thanked him for the food and ate to my heart's content. i was halfway through when i felt him staring at me. i looked up and shot him a confused look.

"you have something on your face," he touched my cheek and wiped off the curry. he licked his finger, "eat properly"

i blushed a deep red hue and ate as fast as i could, embarrassed by what had just happened. i got up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.


"akane-kun, where are you?" i asked, plopping down on the soft sofa and resting my head, satisfied with my meal.


he sat beside me and turned on the television. "what do you wanna watch?"

"whatever is fine,"

he picked a documentary about penguins. i stared at him with judgemental eyes.

"what? i like penguins,"

i rolled my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. after half an hour of watching penguins flop around, i was beginning to feel sleepy. i turned to akane-kun to tell him to turn off the television but decided not to when i saw his expression. his eyes were basically gleaming and he looked so focused watching it that i couldn't bear to tell him to turn it off.

a slight smile creeped on my face as i changed my spot on the sofa and sat on his lap, facing him.

"(y/n)-chan, what are you doing?" akane-kun asked, face dusted coral pink. surprisingly, he didn't push me away

"im sleepy and its cold," i replied, burying my face into his chest and wrapping my legs and arms around his torso. the smell of his clothing and the warmth was so comforting. my eyes slowly closed and my senses dulled. before falling into deep sleep, i felt a peck on my head and heard him mumble.

"i love you so much,"



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