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thanks for requesting this @ChiyoAN and @hanakoisbabie

genderbent yashiro x clingy reader
hanako is genderbent too

"nene-kun~!" i exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his right arm. "lets go to the new ice cream place together!"

"ah, sorry, (y/n)-chan, i'm busy today," he apologised.

"again? but we havent hung out in weeks" i said, looking up at him with an annoyed expression.

"its really important, just go without me," he patted my head and grabbed his bag. "i'm gonna go now, see you tomorrow,"

i stared at him until he was out of view. 'what was he so busy with?' i thought to myself. my expression darkened. 'who
is he so busy with?'

i swung my bag over my shoulder and stomped my way out of the classroom. i spotted him turn the corner. i followed a few meters behind him into the school's old building. 'what does he do here?' i wondered. i rushed up the stairs and slipped, slamming face first into the ground. it was so painful i wanted to scream.

"who's there?" nene-kun turning around to look at the staircase. my eyes widened in fear of him finding out i was following him. i quickly rushed down and hid inside a locker. i heard his footsteps go down the staircase and stopping right infront of me. i held my breath as i watched him look around in confusion from a little gap in the locker.

"probably just the wind," he mumbled under his breath and went back up the stairs.

i opened the locker and stepped out, adrenaline still so high that the red mark on my forehead didnt hurt at all. i got up the stairs carefully and trailed behind him. i hid inside an old classroom and looked through the door as he entered a girls' restroom. i stepped out and leaned my back against the wall of the restroom.

"hanako-san, hanako-san," he called out.

"yashiro, you're here!" a female voice answered. 'she sounds annoying, does he like her?' i agonised bitterly.

i slid down to the ground and listened to them talk while i swam in jealously. they sounded so close. 'so this was why he couldn't hang out with me. because of her' i thought to myself.

i watched the sun start to set and the sky turned pink and orange with a hint of yellow. i sighed in defeat and got up to go home so nene-kun doesn't catch me.

"hanako-san, do you mind if i dont come in for the rest of the week?" i heard him ask.

"whaat~? why?"

"i want take a friend for ice cream,"

"no! you have to clean the bathroom!" she pouted.

i ran in and wrapped my arms around nene-kun's arm.

"no! he's coming with me!" i declared, looking directly at hanako-san's eyes.

"(y/n)-chan, what are you doing here?"

"he's mine!" i asserted, ignoring his question and dragging him out of the building.

"(y/n)-chan, wait!" he yanked his arm away from me and stopped in his tracks. "did you follow me?"

i looked down and fidgeted with my hands.

"answer me," he demanded, hands crossed on his chest. i nodded, still staring at the floor. "why?"

"because i like you," i muttered.


"i like you!" i repeated louder, fidgeting with my hands even more. "a-and im worried you'll leave me because we hardly talk nowadays!"

he cupped my hand in his, the warmth of his hands heated up my cold hands and made me feel safe. i nervously looked up at him, brows furrowed as i couldn't understand his actions.

"i don't like anyone else but you," he smiled. "i promise to make time for you,"

he rubbed his thumb against my hand and leaned down to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"does it still hurt?"


halfway through the fanfic i forgot yashiro was genderbent and had to alter everything i wrote >_<

so much hand holding i'm sorry, -CREAMCLOUD

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