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"(y/n)-chan, cheese!" mitsuba-kun called, clicking the button on his camera.

i turned around from the beautiful sunset and smiled, showing off my white teeth. my canon camera swung with me. it was the exact same model and colour as mitsuba-kun's.

"how does it look?" i asked, peeking at the camera screen.

mitsuba-kun moved his camera away before i could see the picture. "not as ugly as last time, i'm deleting it" he said.

"ehh? i never delete the pictures i take of you!"

"i only store gorgeous sceneries," he exclaimed, turning around to walk back to the club room. i sighed and trailed behind, staring at his soft pink hair and oversized cardigan. i dont know why but i just feel so happy whenever im with him. my heart hurts when i see him with other people. maybe i should consult a doctor...

"i'm gonna head over to the bathroom for a while, just wait here and i guess i'll let you walk home with me." mitsuba-kun stated, leaving his precious camera on the table.

"okay" i responded, unsure of whether he heard me or not.

i sat on one of the four chairs in the club room. i always tagged along with mitsuba-kun so i guess i never really interacted with the rest of the club members. i scanned the room, looking for things to keep me occupied until he returns. my (e/c) pupils landed on his camera. i placed mine beside his, realising for the first time since i received the camera from him that we really did have identical cameras. i held his in my hands, pressing the on button and scrolled through his photos. i was surprised when the photo he took of me earlier was still there. the corners of my lips moved upwards as i continue to scroll through the pictures he took. i noticed that all the pictures he had taken of me over the past few months was still there. there were even some i didnt know he took. my cheeks dusted a light red as it dawned on me what i have been feeling lately.

"(y/n)-chan?" mitsuba-kun entered the room. i hastily set the camera back on the table, horrible mistake as it made a loud 'thud' sound the moment it hit the table. "ah! were you looking through my camera?! thats invasion of privacy, you ugly disgusting idiot!"

i watched as his face turned dark pink. he took the camera from the table and hugged it close against his chest. "you-you creep!" he shouted, pointing his index finger at me. "you-"

i ignored whatever he was trying to say. i observed his breathtaking orbs. they were so pretty i could drown in them. without thinking twice, i cupped his face in my hands, mesmerized by the glitter in his eyes. how did i not notice them before?

he gulped loudly, staring back at my eyes and to my surprise, not pulling away.

"i like you, mitsuba-kun. as more than friends," i whispered, not breaking eye contact with him.

"y-you're pretty lucky i l-like you back," he pulled his eyes from mine.

"hehe, i guess i am pretty lucky, huh?" i giggled, dropping my hands to my side and grinning widely.


i need requests so badly XD

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