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thank you to @ -snowystxrs for requesting this! <3
hanako-kun x tsundere reader

i stared at his choppy black hair and his hat, eyes not focused. i liked him so much and i want to tell him but my pride stood in my way. questions like 'what if he rejects me?', 'what if he hates me?', 'what if he laughs at me?', 'what if he stops talking to me?' circles my mind everytime i try to gather up the courage to tell him i liked him.

"(y-n)- chan?"

i snapped back to reality, my eyes focusing on the face infront of me.

"what do you want?" i asked, a slight aggression in my voice. i mentally slapped myself. i didnt mean for it to come out so harsh.

"no need to be so aggresive. i was gonna ask you if you wanted to look at the stars tonight." hanako-kun asked, his lips forming a thin smile.

"i'll go but only because you insisted,"
my mental self groaned, i was supposed to say because i would love to. gosh what is wrong with me?

"i'll meet you there then," he grinned close-eyed.

a light blush appeared on my face and i turned away, refusing to let him see me like this.

"fine!" why oh why am i like this? my pride and ego is as big as this school.


my hand hovered over the handle of the rooftop door. i hesitated to open it. im gonna confess. i will confess. oh help me im scared!

i swallowed the lump in my throat and opened the door to the sight of a red and white picnic blanket
accompanied with a brown basket.

"(y/n)-chan! (y/n)-chan!" hanako-kun waved.

i stood there, speechless as i observed my surroundings. the night sky was beautiful and the boy grinning at me was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

i shook myself and walked over to the picnic mat. i sat down and looked at him in the eye. i was gonna say it.


his eyes gleamed with curiosity, a feeling of adrenaline rushed through my whole body.


time felt like it stopped. my mouth wouldnt move no matter how hard i tried. i was frozen. pride and ego cockblocking me. my eyes stayed fixed on his as i try to tell him how i felt. no matter how hard i try, no sound came out. my eyes teared up. i sniffled as tears came down my
rosy cheeks. i hated myself for not being able to say it. i hated my ego and pride. i felt like a clown as i broke down infront of him.

"(y/n)-chan.." i refused to look up. i couldnt look at him anymore.

"please look up," he whispered, patting my back.

i steadied my breathing. i lifted my tear-stained face.

"i like you..a lot" hanako-kun smiled. a warm feeling engulfed me. i wanted to say it back. i pushed through the barriers in my mind. i pushed aside my pride and ego and looked him in the eye, mine gleaming with joy.

"i like you too,"


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