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teru x apparation reader
i swung my legs back and forth, my (h/c) hair flowing as the wind brushed past me. my orbs followed his movements through the transparent glass of his classroom. the gestures he makes, the way he moves and his soft hair. 'what am i doing?" i thought to myself, sighing loudly and jumping off from the tree branch. i landed softly on the ground and made my way back inside the school.

a week passed since i almost got killed by that psychopath. the feeling of his lips on mine was still there. i dont know why but i see him everywhere now.

"yeah, thank you," i heard his voice from the other side of the door.

i snapped back to earth as i realized my subconscious has brought me to the student council room. i scanned the room as quickly as i could and hid under the table as soon as i heard the door opening.

i held my breath, ears perked up and heart running as i listened for his footsteps. i could hear it slowly approaching me. i brought my legs closer to my body.


i jumped in surprise. he had slammed the papers down onto the desk and had sat at the seat right infront of me. i swallowed the lump in my throat as my eyes focused on his legs. they were so close to hitting me. he was put his head on the table and let out a
sigh of exasperation.

"why cant i stop thinking about her? she's an apparation!" i heard him say.

i relaxed a little and started breathing again. i listened to him talk about me for half an hour before i decided to move. i got into a crawling position and grabbed his leg.

"AHH!!" he screamed, jumping back and pulling his leg from my hands.

i giggled as i rose from under the desk. i stretched and let out a loud yawn.

"wh-what are you doing here? how long have you been here?"

i looked at him and smiled close-eyed. a look of dread washed over his face as he swallowed a lump in his throat. he shook it off and took out his blade, his expression changing from embarrassment to anger. he swung his sword towards my direction. i moved slightly and the sword pierced the table into two, leaving no wood chips.

'i might have made a mistake' i thought to myself as i hopped around the room, trying to avoid the sharp metal that could kill me. i jumped to the wall and bounced off towards him. my legs kicked his sword away from him and wrapped themselves around his head as i grabbed on his hair.

"get off me!" he yelled angrily, running backwards towards the bookshelf.

i yelped as i crashed into the books and felt the spines of the different book hit my back. i yanked his hair in pain.

taking advantage of the fact that he was literally below me, i craned my body forward until my face was infront of him. with no hesitation, i crashed my lips with his and closed my eyes. i knew he wouldn't push me away. i almost smirked when i felt him pushing back and biting my lip, asking for access. this time, i let him in. i wrestled with him, a small whine escaping my lips when i lost. i pulled away, panting heavily. i scanned his face and i was satisfied at his expression. his eyebrows were drooping and his eyes were distracted.

"well this was fun." i whispered, a cheeky smile plastered on my face and leaped off his back, disappearing from his line of sight.

⑥②④ ᏯᎾŔDS :))

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