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stalker au
this is a headcanon
this is in Mitsuba's point of view and not (y/n) like it usually is because its an au.

"(y/n), i saw you on the magazine earlier!" that annoying, loud girl shouted from across the classroom.

i looked at the girl sitting beside me, (y/n). she worked as a model after school and loves attention. ever since she came, people stopped paying attention to me. im obviously cuter than her yet why did people not pay attention to me? i tried everything to make them look at me. i tried breaking the rules, getting full marks on tests and i even tried becoming friends with these fake snakes.

during breaks, people would surround her. she took my spotlight away. different people confessed to her everyday. i hated her. i loathed her. yet i couldnt keep my eyes away from her...

flashback— (help idk how to change the font to one that supports italics)

"(y/n)-chan," i called, taking out my camera. "cheese!"

she smiled, showing off her white pearls and putting up a peace sign. i saved the photo and stared at it, admiring her features.

"can i see?" (y/n) asked, extending her hand towards me. i showed her the picture. "wow, you're really good at photography!"

flashback ends—

maybe thats when it started. when i started to take pictures of her whenever i could. i made a shrine. decorating it with pictures of her. soon, the space was filled. but it wasnt enough. i needed more. i started to decorate my whole room with pictures of her. the ones i took and the ones published to the public. when i talked to her, i would pull out a few strands of her hair. it was painless. she didnt notice. i placed it in a ziplock bag on display in the shrine.

monday morning she gave me her jacket because i got cold. it smelled like her. i kept it in a ziplock bag to retain its scent. she told me i could keep it.

tuesday afternoon she offered me her drink when she saw i was exhausted from running around the field. was she happy i indirectly kissed her?

wednesday afternoon she lent me her eraser because i forgot mine. i told her i lost it and she told me it was okay. she was so kind. i almost felt bad for keeping it.

thursday evening we walked home together. it was raining and i 'forgot' my umbrella. i held the umbrella and she held the hand that was on the umbrella because it was windy and the umbrella would fly away. i didnt want to wash my hand

its now friday. i hate friday. its the last day of the week that i get to see her. she wont be able to look at my face or hear my voice. i wont get to see her for two whole days.

i didnt care that the attention was taken away from me. i wanted her to always have the attention on her. i wanted her to be near me at all times. we would make the perfect couple. i was cute and she was beautiful. i wont let her be so far away from me for so long. i cant take it anymore.

she loved posing infront of the cameras and she loved the flash and sound it made. she loved attention. and i loved her. so to make her happy, i made sure she would always be infront of my camera. every second, every minute, every hour of the day.


how do i change the font? whats a reader setting?

also, i think this one is my favourite haha

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