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i stared at the piece of paper infront of me on the wooden table. the red 'F' glittered under the ray of sunlight that touched the paper in such a beautiful way. 'beautiful way, my ass,' i thought to myself. i had the sudden urge to tear the paper and burn it, along with the whole school. i had been getting bad marks and was told that i would have to repeat the year if i didnt get my head straight. i sighed and crushed it into a ball before throwing it inside my bag. at this point my bag just looks like a garbage can.

i dragged my feet to the old building and made my way to the bathroom. "hanako-kun!" i called out but he didnt respond. i dropped my bag on the floor and sat on the sink, swinging my legs back and forth. 'maybe staying back a year wont be that bad, i get to talk to hanako-kun' i thought stupidly. as if talking to apparations can help in life. i had tutors give up on me so many times that i lost count. i have private sessions almost everyday yet my marks stay low. i took a deep breath and exhaled.

"hanako-kun, where are you? im starting to think about the future and i dont like it!" i shouted.

"(y/n)-chan, sorry, i was helping the mokkes with something," he appeared beside me. "whats with the long face?"

"i dont know, dont really want to talk about it," i sighed again, my eyes wandered to the bag filled with failed tests.

"hey, dont worry about that," he smiled and held my hand. "i know what can cheer you up,"

before i could mutter a word, he pulled me along with him to the rooftop.

"hanako-kun, its still late afternoon, the stars arent out yet," i said, confused.

"it doesnt matter, wait here," he rushed down the staircase and came back with a picnic mat. he spread the mat out and sat on it. "come sit beside me,"

i sat down and looked at him, "what are you doing?"

he grinned and pointed to the sun that was near dusk. it shone brightly and changed the colours of the sky.

"we always come up to watch the stars but never the sunset."

"because you prefer the stars and moon" i was still confused.

"we dont really appreciate the beauty of sunsets, we normally wait for it to disappear from view," he explained, "but if you think about it, we wouldnt be able to see the moon without the sun,"

i stayed quiet.

"grades arent everything, you know? i know you're stressed but you need to give yourself a break once in a while. you dont need to hide the fact that you're sad. im here for you and i care about you." he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. i leaned my head on his shoulder. "just talk to me,"

"why are you like this?"

"im great at being great,"

513 words

sorry something went wrong with my keyboard so the font isnt the normal kind that i usually use for these types of things.

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