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❌trigger warning, violence, self-harm❌ (forgot to put this in, thanks for telling me)

"i-i like you!" i said, clutching my black skirt and looking at the ground.

"you like me?" teru laughed. "you're an apparation! you're filthy, why would I like you?"

"w-what?" i stuttered out, looking up at his cold eyes.

"i hate you. the only reason im not executing you is because i promised kou he could take care of the seven mysteries." he sneered, face looking at mine in disgust. "no one knows about mystery number 0."

i stared at him, fat tears forming at my eyes as i watched the boy i love spit on the ground and walked away.

i didnt understand. we were friends when i was alive. we would always study and walk home together.

i wailed on the ground as salty tears fell down my face like a waterfall. i hiccuped as i continued sobbing, memories of my death flashed through my mind. what if i hadn't died that day?


i held my knees close to my chest at i picked up the knife. tears welled up as i heard shouting from the living room. as i cut my arm, glass breaking could be heard echoing thoughout the entire house. i felt relief watching the blood dribble down my arm. the crimson red blood shone as the light from my window hit the cut. each time i heard shouting, i cut my arm again and again and again. satisfaction filled me as i traced the marking on my arm. the shouting didnt bother me anymore. i was at ease.


"(y/n), why are you wearing long sleeves during this hot weather?" teru asked, reaching out to my arm. i yanked it away. forcing a smile as i said

"its not hot right now"

i swung my bag over my shoulders. ringgg..ringgg

i answered the call. "mom? im going home now"


i froze, my palms sweating as my mother continued to shout


my knees got weak as i heard crying from the other side of the line.  i didnt mean to kill her. i loved my little sister.

tiiiiiiiiiiiiit.....the call ended.

i dropped my phone as I looked at teru. his eyes were wide open and he was speechless. i swallowed the lump in my throat as i dashed away, ignoring teru's calls for me.

i ran to the rooftop and dropped to the floor beside the railings. i screamed, recalling memories of my little sister as i felt a strong gush of wind brush my (h/c) hair. i stood up, holding onto the railing as I climbed to the other side of the railing and sat, legs swinging back and forth as my eyes closed.

i thought about all the things i did wrong. i thought about my feelings of relaxation the moment i pushed her in the raging river. i thought about the sleepless nights that was spent with my pillow over my ears as i tried to block out the shouting from downstairs.

i opened my eyes. what beautiful plants we have down there. i pushed myself off, looking up at the beautiful orange and pink sunset. wait. teru. i want to confess to teru. i need him. i waved my arms frantically in the air, trying to hold on to something. anything. my eyes clouded with regret and pain as a loud thud could be heard. the crunching of bones filled the quiet evening air of the school.


i stood up, face still wet with tears as i  made my way to the rooftop. "tsukasa , i have a wish" i whispered.

"what is it~?" the apparation asked, a creepy smile on his face.

"rid me from this world"

"granted" he smirked, thrusting his hand into my chest and grabbing my heart.

i screamed in pain as my body distorted and fell to the ground. i felt my power getting weaker and weaker as i laid on the ground and clutched my chest in pain as i saw teru come in from the rooftop door. he held my body in his arms as my vision got foggier.

"i lied, (y/n)! i love you! dont die, please don't die." he cried as he buried my face in his chest. "i love you, don't die"

my lips twitched as i faded to black.



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