requested by wolflove101
kuroiro and tokoyami
the clear definition of two halves
with both their powers and personalities
they were extremely similar
not identical such as Kirishima and Tetsu Tetsu
but a very close second
both had fought in battle and kuroiro won
although tokoyami had lost he still held big respect for the darkness student
and visa versa
they were close friends
but that did not mean they both wanted a rematch
both came to an agreement that the situations and positions in place put kuroiro in a much bigger advantage
so tonight they were ready to battle in a levelled field where both were at a big disadvantage
they would battle in the brightest area of the school that they could find
yuga's bedroom
or they would have if the french boy would have allowed it
so they had to make do with a close second
presidents mics disco room
the lights were at full MX
it made their eyes hurt
but both were ready
they both wanted to get stronger
so practising in a room which is so bright that it was like fireworks during a hot sunny summer afternoon
was a perfect place to test their limits
dark shadow couldn't come out no matter how hard tokoyami tried
and kuroiro had no shadows that he could sink into to surprise his opponent
they were completely on their own
they allowed weapons into the room
so tokoyami had his signature sword
whilst kuroiro had a black shield with white edges
and thus the battle began
punches and kicks were thrown left to right
sharp blocks made it in the nick of time
" up tokoyami...I'll's fate" kuroiro gasped
the two had gone for an hour non-stop
and both were covered in sweat and showed clear exhaustion
" on my friend," he said as a new burst of energy coursed through his veins
he was determined to win
although he did not show it
he was extremely embarrassed for being beaten
all because of his disadvantage to the light
the constant fails due to this
his fight with bakugo
and his fight with kuroiro
these feelings he's been trying to hide from everyone
were now giving him the strength to win
he could see kuorio jump up for a final blow
but he dodged it
causing his opponent to gasp with shock
as if he didn't calculate it
and landed on his back on the floor
"It is my time to win," tokoyami said low with determination
"and I'll do it in my worst environment" he finished as he pointed his sword to kuorio
hovering slightly above his chest so he could not move
"heh, well done my friend, I give up" kuorio smiled in defeat
tokoyami removed his sword and proceeded to help his friend up
"you're definitely getting stronger if you're able to defeat me" kuorio laughed
tokoyami couldn't help himself as he gave a little chuckle himself
"let's go get something to eat I'm famished," the dark student said as he and tokoyami left the premises
even through defeat
they remained friends
and not even a big burst of angry light would ever be able to come between that
The tokoyamiverse
Fanfictionshort stories of our favourite bird-headed boy created by the requests commented by you more information in the intro about the rules