requested by The_Ebon_Crow
tokoyami was the tribe's ruler
he protected the tribe with all his might
wore the furs of the animals he fought that tried to attack the tribe
the tusks of wild bores that threatened to attack newborn children hung next to his feathered black hair
and along those feathers were the paints of his tribe
along the ends of his feathers, around his eyes and face, they connected
beads and jewels hung around his neck to show his importance
the cloths both patterned and not lay upon his body
his mighty spear never used to spill the blood of innocence, but simply a stand for his most sacred and powerful weapon would lie in waiting for the time to act
the tribe showing their gratitude for its leader
the leader did not speak
the leader would be seen staring out in the middle of the night
gathering strength as he went into the night to gather supplies in the moon's light
the leader was wise
the leader was strict
the leader was just
the leader was a tokoyami
these attributes that were carried off in their family's genes
making each tokoyami ancestor as such a leader as the last
and fumikage tokoyami was no different
The tokoyamiverse
Fanfictionshort stories of our favourite bird-headed boy created by the requests commented by you more information in the intro about the rules