the fight for love

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the boys were having a sleepover 

sweet wrappers and popcorns scattered the floor along with the empty pizza boxes and discarded DVD boxes of the movies they had watched 

it was now becoming more day than night 

many of the students had fallen victim to sleep's clutches 

there were only a few that remained 

a group that included bakugo, Kirishima, shoji and shinsou (inviting him instead of Minetta) 

"ok, ok who does everyone have a crush on, I know everyone has one in their time of U.A" shinsou began 

his mind began to wave, no longer have the brain capacity to be serious after all the fun they had during the night as well as the sugar high they were all on 

"you can't ask that!" bakugo whispered angrily 

"why not? it's not like it'll harm anyone" Kirishima laughed softly 

"Alright, alright, on the count of three" 


he was the first person to treat me like an equal, he didn't judge me on appearance but on personality, he was the first person to accepted me and spend time with me because they wanted to



he was the first one to not be phased by my aggressive attitude, someone I can talk to, someone who knew what it was like to be trapped in those orbs and helped me with the trauma 



he was there to support me when I was at my lowest when I doubted my manliness he was always there to talk sense into me, to reassure me that I am someone worthy of being in this hero school 

"tokoyami" they announced happily in the memory 

only for the three to realise that they had said the same name 

the group was in a shock

they knew tokoyami was an amazing and loveable guy

but they had never expected that others would have been interested in him like that 

the idea seemed to have made the three angry for reasons they couldn't even understand themselves 

"tomorrow we bring this conversation to the gym" shinsou declared as he turned away to sleep 


he had a personality just like his, he understood how the world works and spends the enjoyable time with one another when the two shared their deepest secrets 

the three nodded in agreement 

while tokoyami was simply sleeping in the corner, not aware of the agreement being formulated around him

the next morning the three woke up and went straight to the gym each ready for a fight 

"so what makes you think you are worthy of tokoyami's love?!" Kirishima asked with a growl 

"Are you seriously asking ME of that, when was the last time anyone ever saw you with him for more than a second?" shoji asked 

"like that matters, it's more of a real emotional connection then simply being next to each other" bakugo shouted as he fired an explosion 

"enough! we shall fight for tokoyami's hand right here, right now!" shinsou declared

it wasn't long till the three began to fight 

and a fight always attacks a crowd

monoma and kuroiro who was simply walking past the gym 

but when they heard what the group was fighting about 

they knew they had to get involved 


the only tolerable one of 1-A, the only one to listen through my ramblings and listen to, even when I didn't make sense, he knew I just needed to rant  


someone who knew what it was like to be a being of the darkness, someone who was like me and understood me 

"you dare to try and claim the love and devotion of the amazing tokoyami?" kuroiro shouted as he brought attention to himself and his crush 

"hahahahah! as if you are worthy of the beautiful ravens to love, all of you are clowns compared to us hahahahah" monoma

and with that, the two had entered the fight 

however, the fight was soon interrupted by two giant purple demonic claws came crashing down on the battlefield 

all attention was turned to the figure of the glorious tokoyami 

two claws floating above his raven head and his arms folded across his chest 

it seemed like tokoyami was trying to look serious 

yet the group could swear they saw a flustered smile on his face 

"tokoyami?" the boys questioned in shock and embarrassment 

"I'm flattered but I need no one to fight on my behalf, I myself shall do so" tokoyami merely stated as he turned to leave

leaving them shocked and yet amazed 

so independent 

so dramatic 

it just made the group love him even more 

and made them even more determined to be the significant other the majestic fumikage tokoyami 

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