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requested by TheAncientWiccan 

tokoyami had vanished

no one knew how

no one knew where

and no one knew why

he had been gone for so long he was filed as an official missing person

so, it would come as a shock after 10 years

he was suddenly found

the students of 1-A, now pro heroes were out for a daily patrol

many meetings together as they continued to stay close friends

then one day

out in the parks they had found a 26-year-old man, wearing black jeans and a purple hoodie with a raven head with red eyes, his feathers styled in a braid long enough to his ankles walking happily while eating an ice cream

"tokoyami?!" mina/alien queen questioned as she pointed to the raven head

he himself jumped in shock and looked over to the shouter

that's when he found himself being tackled into a dog pile by other pro hero's

tokoyami screamed as he struggled out of the grip

confusing the hero's

and the attention of a new figure who ran in horror to help the raven

"what are you all doing to my husband?!" the new figure questioned in anger, hiding/protecting tokoyami away from the confused hero's

this new figure was as furious as he was giant, he himself had an odd appearance, having a skull head and wearing a business suit, showing off that himself was a successful wealthy businessman

"we...sorry but...tokoyami? don't you recognise us" midoriya/Deku babbled in surprise

the scared raven simply shook his head in confusion

the giant that was tokoyami's husband gave a sigh

"I think I understand, if we can have this talk away from the publics eyes we can discuss it properly" he continued as he ushered his tiny husband away, leading him and the hero's away from the park and towards their house

a big fat mansion, showing just how rich this guy is

"the names Hades Hassan by the way, sorry I was rude to you all before, but when I see my darling in trouble, I can't help but try and save him" the newly named Hades Hassan explained, giving tokoyami's hand a gentle kiss earning the raven to blush

also causing some of the hero's some pain in the heart

"but you all say you knew me, but how?" tokoyami asked, getting back to the task at hand

"you were a student with us at U.A, training to become a hero of the don't remember?" uraraka explained, leading off with a question of her own

"no..." tokoyami stated confusedly

that's when his husband stepped in

"I found tokoyami unconscious in a forest near my house, I went there for a late-night walk when I found him landing painfully to the floor from the sky" Hades Hassan began to explain, holding his husbands' hand closely

"I don't know what happened but I rushed him up to our private hospital when he woke up all he could remember was his name and his quirk, we tried to help him remember but nothing work, I couldn't just leave him like that so I made it my duty to take care of him, protect him, and that soon turned into love" Hades finished explaining though slowing down as he looked deeply into the raven's eyes, overwhelmed with adoration

the heroes were happy for tokoyami

yes, this wasn't the life that the raven planned on

but plans changed

it was clear the raven was happy with this new life and husband

and as they walked away from the happy couple back to their hero lives

they left with the relief of finding their friend just how they wanted him to be

happy and content

even if that life didn't have them in it

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