requested by Macabre_Libra (a continuation of bloodthirsty)
tokoyami's body was beginning to shake more and his laughter echoed into the night
the students were terrified
and the teachers were wary
so much so tokoyami was never allowed out of a teachers sight
even when the students were simply going shopping at the mall
"Hmm, where should we go?" mina asked as she was in charge of finding somewhere to eat
"how about-" momo was about to say before a scream was heard from the side of the mall
causing innocent civilians to come running away whilst the students and teacher towards it
there in the middle of the shopping centre was a figure that the students hoped to never see again
except for one very glee student who gasped in surprise and happiness
"uncle stain!" tokoyami shouted as he waved to the villain rushing down towards him
"WHAT?!" the students and Aizawa shouted so loud that the glass in every window in the mall broke
"tokoyami" stain said happily as he welcomed the raven into his arms, ruffling his feathers
"uh, eh, eh,e, explain" Aizawa stuttered, having no idea how to feel about this
"oh sorry everyone, this is my uncle and mass murder stain, uncle stain this is class 1-A" tokoyami explained happily
"dude, think of what you just said!" sero said sacredly and with astonishing
"Yeah, I've met them before, that baxxered in glasses caused me a lot of problems," stain said angrily pointing at iida
"well I didn't know that," tokoyami said with a surprised yet calm tone
stain began to take out his knives ready for an attack only to be apprehended by Aizawa's wraps
which were soon cut away by tokoyami's newly appeared knife
taking the teacher by surprise, giving stain enough to pull his knives out and into the teacher's chest
the students cried for their fallen teacher, and angrily yelled to their supposed classmate responsible for his death
"tokoyami! what the fxxk?!" bakugo asked angrily as he came charging towards the raven full intent to kill him before a knife made its way into the blond's body and inside his heart
killing him of instantly as blood poured out of his mouth and eyes
"I dunno, I'm bored" tokoyami sighed annoyedly
"hey toko, wanna tag along after we kill your classmates, I've got some more difficult people to kill," stain said to his favourite nephew
"sure, why not, I'm kinda bored at U.A anyway" tokoyami agreed as he watched the blood from his knife drip onto the body it came from
stain smiled happily as he switched off the lights
the murder was much more fun when it's in the dark and with your favourite relative

The tokoyamiverse
Fanfictionshort stories of our favourite bird-headed boy created by the requests commented by you more information in the intro about the rules