requested by DevTheVoid
also based on the head cannon made by mindless-monochrome on Tumblr
"Miruko get back here!" hawks demanded/shouted as he chased the rabbit hero who was carrying his raven headed intern fireman style his intern! his!
Miruko needed to get it into her heads that tokoyami had chosen to work for him and not her
so she needed to stop randomly stealing him during a patrol
like right now the two birds were simply walking the streets, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity
when Miruko had suddenly bounced in front of them
grabbed tokoyami so fast the little light bird didn't have the chance to struggle while saying good morning to the two
and bounced off with him
but like hell hawks was letting her get away with it...again
it has been going for 2 weeks now
and hawks was getting sick of it
no matter how good a friend she was to him
tokoyami was his and not hers
he wasn't willing to share
"your so selfish!" the rabbit hero had yelled as hawks got closer
he could hear tokoyami sigh defeatedly, a perfect sign of him wanting to be saved by his true mentor
tokoyami was just bored with this new routine
he didn't even know why Miruko was so determined to steal him away from hawks
was it because she was so amused by hawks reaction?
the first time this happened he couldn't hold back his embarrassment, he thought it was some sort of exercise to try and break free from an unexpected villain grasps
but when he did she literally stopped for a moment, swaddled him with his own cloak so tightly he couldn't even move his arms or legs and continued to hop before hawks had finally got him back
he felt like a proper baby, so he simply didn't fight back because it would soon be over and wouldn't be swaddled to give him a little more dignity
he constantly asked her why she did this humiliating thing daily
and each time she would crouch down to his eye level, tell him it's because she didn't have any interns of her own, ruffle his feathers and bounce off before hawks could scold her more
even though tokoyami was given a reason, he knew there had to be more to it than simply that
but she had yet to actually explain why it was only him she kidnapped him, and not any other interns from other agency's
she in a way was exactly like hawks in that regard
at least he was given time to think stuff like this over
four long red feathers were seen flying closer at both sides
hawks were catching up
it wouldn't be long ti-
Miruko was sent flying into the concrete whilst tokoyami was being held up into the air by his cape by the feathers
the raven was soon dropped from the air and into hawk's arms
The tokoyamiverse
Hayran Kurgushort stories of our favourite bird-headed boy created by the requests commented by you more information in the intro about the rules