steven universe A.U

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requested by Macabre_Libra 

(Steven universe originally belongs to Rebecca Sugar)

The news of green diamonds return had spread like wildfire

or as he was known by the other diamonds

izuku midoriya

(some diamonds decided to give themselves real names like earthlings because they didn't want to be called by their colours or gems)

midoriya had been gone for centuries, never thought to be seen again as he was pulled into a black hole that collided with his colony

but by some miracle, he was back

and it was time for a celebration

all diamonds were to attend the party to welcome back their fallen gem

and that included one that hadn't been seen for longer than when green diamond had disappeared

black diamond

or as he was known to the other diamonds

tokoyami fumikage

the most powerful of the diamonds

but although he had the biggest colonies of the diamonds he wasn't seen unless there was something extremely important that took him out of his castle

but even when he was out, he would erase the images of himself from any gems mind that wasn't a diamond, not even letting his pearls sneak a peek at him

but now that the news of midoriya's return had reached his side of the universe

it was time to come out of the darkness one more time

the diamonds gathering was booming

the sights, smells and music were simply divine

"it is so good to see you safe and sound once again green" purple diamond (shinso) said as he hugged midoriya tightly

"likewise," midoriya simply replied, he was trying his best not to cry for the 7067th time

and he had only just returned yesterday

but then a dark cloud began to loom over the court

whilst other gems wondered in fright of what was causing the sudden black wisp

the diamonds themselves knew exactly was causing it

or who was causing it

blackness swirled around the ballroom and masked away the gems other than diamonds from the new figure's presence

only allowing the diamonds to see the figure's appearance

"tokoyami" midoriya shouted as they raced to the named black diamond

midoriya bent down as he waited for tokoyami to stand in his palm

although the most powerful diamond of all

he was in fact the smallest

his gem completely covering the entirety of his torso, other than the signature gem he also wore a long flowing black cloak that shinned purple every once in a while

but although beautiful and graceful

he would be seen as an off-colour

his eyes blood red and his face symbolising an animal of the earth, a blackbird

but no one dared to point it out

many would say it was because they were fearful of the diamond

but it was actually the fact that they did not want to point out something they knew their fellow diamond was insecure about, they didn't care that he was of colour, he was one of them

of colour-ism was banished a long time ago

and to midoriya, it only made the black diamond even more extraordinary

the green diamond himself was also quite small, not as near as tokoyami, but he was the second smallest of the diamonds

he himself wore a green tunic with a light brown belt, he was the perfect image of green, even having flowers and grass bloom from his head that made his hair and just below, inside his forehead was his gem

"I never thought I'd see you again I-" midoriya began to ramble before a dark claw slapped him in the face causing him to stop

the flabbergasted diamond just stared at the smaller diamond

who was looking quite furious?

"I told you not to go! but you didn't listen to me!" tokoyami shouted angrily, tears beginning to build in his eyes

"but I-" midoriya tried to continue, but the raven diamond wasn't finished

"I told you that it was too close to the black holes! I warned you of what could happen, yet you did it anyway and got sucked in just as I said!" tokoyami continued to yell, punching midoriya's fingers that cadged around him

midoriya stayed silent, letting black diamond get it all out of his system, tears flowing down his cheeks both because of the punches to his hand but the emotional scarring he had inflicted onto one of his most beloved

"'ve been for so long...and we had no idea of when or if you could you know how scary that is...not knowing if the one you love will ever return?" tokoyami asked, his voice now quivering in hurt

midoriya sighed, gathering the strength to face the smaller diamond

"yes...I felt that every time I was stuck in that limbo, completely alone, hoping to come back, but...I didn't know how long I was's been centuries to you all while for me it's only been hundreds" midoriya explained, meeting tokoyami's eyes, the feeling of seriousness filling the room

"I'm so sorry for what I caused you tokoyami, I never wished to hurt you, and from now on I'll never do something as stupid as that ever again-" midoriya began to promise before he felt a tight embrace on one of his fingers

the tiny diamonds best attempt of a hug

"Just promise to never leave us again, that's all you need to do" tokoyami whispered, but just loud enough for the green diamond to hear

midoriya smiled as he held tokoyami close to his gem

midoriya began to spin, earning both gems to laugh

and the fusion process to begin

creating the fusion, dark olive diamond to be born

"Now, let's get this party started" they laughed as the music began

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