Back to Canada?

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Third Person POV

Austin was escorted to the waiting room of the hospital where he sat in anxiety. He thought now was the perfect time to call Lily's father.

Right as he pulled out his cell phone, Mr. Fox walked around the corner and spotted him. He walked over to him hurriedly.

"What are you doing here Austin?"

Austin bit his lip nervously. Again, right as he was about to tell him he was interrupted.

"Dr. Fox to the OR, Dr. Fox to the OR." Mr. Fox rushed down the short corridor and entered a set of double doors labeled OR. The next thing Austin heard was a wail coming from the room. He knew that Lily's father had seen the bloody mess his daughter was.

He thought he would come out of the OR but he didn't. He was a trained professional and he needed to make sure the patient lived, and he would try anything and everything to ensure his daughter would live to see another day.

Austin thought to call Justin. He would want to know what had happened to his little cousin.

He looked through his contacts and found Justin quickly. He held the phone to his ear, holding his breath.

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered the phone. He's gonna hear awful news after waking up, great.


"Who's this?" He asked yawning.

"Austin. Before you hang up, listen to me," the other end was silent. "You probably want to come to the hospital that your uncle works at. Lily... she's not well."

"What's wrong with her?" He sounded worried and Austin could hear him rustling around his room.

"She got beat up at school and she's in the operating room. It doesn't look too good."

"Where is my uncle?" He slammed the door.

"Operating on her."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Austin sat with his head in his hands, unsure of what to do or say. Looking around the sickly white hospital, he saw a mother with a handkerchief and she was wiping tears from her eyes while a man her age rubbed her back but had equal sadness in his eyes.

There was also a grown woman, who looked about twenty or twenty one and she was praying. It seemed as if nobody was really happy to be in a hospital, and nobody could be in such a gloomy environment.

"Hi." A little girl about eight came up to him. "My name is Penny, Penny Sanders."

"Hi, I'm Austin." He said to her. She managed to put a little smile on his face.

"Penny, come here. Don't bother him." Her mother called to her.

"No it's okay ma'am." Austin looked at Penny and saw she was missing her hair. "Where's all your hair?"

"I had to cut it off. I had a tumor in my brain," she showed him a scar that extended from the top of her head to the back. "But now I don't. My mommy makes me come to the hospital to have tests done to make sure I have no more cancer, she's worried it'll come back."

This little girl was smart and she was positive. She had a life threatening disease and still has a happy attitude. Why couldn't we all be like her? Austin put his head down and prayed for Lily to get better and to make sure Penny's tests all came out negative for cancer, let her stay in remission.

Penny's small hand went into Austin's and he looked at her. She smiled a toothy grin. Her brown eyes held a little sparkle that showed all the bravery she had.

"Penny Sanders, you are the bravest and prettiest little girl I have ever met."

"I know. My mommy tells me I'm beautiful everyday."

He pulled off his navy blue beanie off his head and placed it on Penny's. The warm beanie fit snug on her head. "Keep it, it makes you look prettier. Even though that's not possible."

"Thank you!" She gave him a little hug.

"Penny do me a favor?" She nodded her fragile little head. Austin took out a pen and card and wrote his number down. He handed it to her. "Give this to your mom and ask her to call me when you get a scan please? It would mean a lot to me." He made sure to make eye contact with her mother. She nodded. She heard him.

Penny skipped back to her mother and gave her the card. Everything was quiet in the hospital waiting room again.

Not too long after that, Justin came into the hospital in his pajamas. He saw Austin and rushed over to him.

"Where is she?"

"Operating Room. Your uncle hasn't come back either."

They sat for a good ten minutes while awaiting Lily's father to come out. Austin kept himself busy by looking around at the walls of the hospital and tapping his foot impatiently. Justin was pacing back and forth.

Before long, Mr. Fox came out of the Operating Room with some blood on his scrubs. His face was pale.

"Is she okay?" Justin and Austin asked in unison.

"She's fine. We started her heart again and almost lost her so we put her in a medically induced coma. She's really beat up but thankfully, she'll make it." He looked at Austin and shook his head.

"I think it would be best if we moved back to Canada."

Austin's heart sank. "What?"

"It's not safe here. My daughter almost died for Christ's sake Austin!" He lowered his voice when he saw some people look over. Penny even glanced over and made eye contact with Austin. Mr. Fox sighed. "I just want her to be safe."

"She got equally as much bullying there as here, had she stayed there then this would've happened as well." Justin butt in. He was on Austin's side, especially since he was worried about Austin telling his uncle about the party he threw.

"So what do we do?" Mr. Fox asked, rubbing his temples. He glanced back and forth between Austin and Justin.

"I have an idea." Austin spoke softly. He hoped it would be enough to convince Lily's father to let her stay.

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