prologue part 1: freshman fair

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On Tuesday August 21st, 2014 at 9:16 am

There's a freshman fair at canterlot high school and full with lot of clubs to join. Rainbow dash and her childhood friend fluttershy walk around at the fair to find clubs.

Rainbow: "you see the soccer team booth yet fluttershy?"

Fluttershy: "um...sorry, not yet!"

They still look around at the fair to find the clubs. Then they stop front of glee club and garden club stand.

Rainbow: "hey! While we lookin' maybe we'll find a club for you."

Fluttershy: " I guess they're not clubs for everything."

Then rainbow dash got push by someone and send them to the ground.

Fluttershy: "oh my goodness rainbow are you and stranger alright."

Rainbow turn around see girl with fancy indigo hair on the floor and rainbow help the girl up.

Rainbow: "are you okay?"

Girl: "yeah I'm fine and sorry about it I didn't know I was going."

Rainbow: "that's alright! What's your name?"

Girl: "I'm rarity."

Rainbow dash: "I'm rainbow dash and this is my childhood friend."

Fluttershy become shy and little bit wave at her. Then rainbow dash spotted necklace around rarity neck.

Rainbow: "I like your necklace rarity."

Rarity become blushed and says:" thanks you rainbow. My dad got it this for me from Chinese store it's look like a monkey necklace."

Rainbow: "you look beautiful with the necklace on."

Rarity: "(giggles) thank you rainbow dash."

Both of them look at each other with blushed on their cheeks and they first met pinkie pie and Applejack at the fair then become friends forever. Rainbow met rarity parents and they really like her and rarity met rainbow dash parents too then they really like her too after that they started dating during school year and summertime with their friends.

On one day rarity arguing with rainbow dash about she didn't show up at the mall on their 3rd date for soccer game playoffs then after that they broke up including their friends too and never speak to each other again.

[Here's new chapter for tonight]

raridash story Vol. 1: The Origins Of The White NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now