video chat with friends part 1

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Rainbow dash and rarity exit the elevator to 12th floor and toward the room 23g at the end of the hallway. Rarity grab card key from her pocket to swipe the card on the machine in the door. They entered the huge room to see the living room, the hot tube, TV, kitchen, and the great view of new York city. They put their luggages in the bedroom to see TV in the wall, queen size bed, drawers, closets, and bathroom to leave their luggages on their bed and due unpacking later then they enter the living to sit the couch for relaxing. Rainbow grab the remote on the table to turn on the tv and find the channel what she like after that she found the channel it's aew dynamite.

Rainbow: this is relaxing huh babe!

Rarity: "yup, tonight you and me having fun in our bed after relax on the hot tub."

Rainbow: can't wait for it tonight!

Rainbow dash phone begin to ring inside her pocket and she decided grab it and answer the group video chat.

There's 5 screen of flash sentry, sunset shimmer with derpy hooves in the living room, pinkie pie, applejack, and fluttershy.

Sunset shimmer: "hey guys, you two made it to new York city."

Rainbow: "yup, we got swag and pretty hotel room what rarity book the new York hotel plaza."

Derpy: that's awesome

Sunset: not bad rarity

Pinkie pie: yeah

Applejack: you said it sugarcube.

Rarity: "and we going to the hot tub tonight after we go to bed."

Flash: lucky

Rainbow: "how's it going at canterlot city."

Fluttershy: "its great until Jackie chan uncle and man named captain black the head of section 13 show up at school and tell us about the location of horse talisman."

Rarity: really where at?

Applejack: "the magic painting of hundred acres woods inside my cousin house at appleoosa."

Rainbow: that's awesome

Derpy: "me, sunset shimmer, Jackie  uncle, and heath burns travel to appleoosa and enter applejack cousin house then jump through the painting of hundred acres woods to find the talisman before shendu henchmen arrived during tomorrow."

Sunset: that's right babe!

Derpy: thanks sunny

Rainbow: good luck guys

Sunset: "thanks and have fun at new York city with rarity."

Flash: "don't get too much fun over there."

Rarity: oh we will!

Rainbow friends disconnect on video group chat on her phone. She and rarity begin to kiss on the lips for 2 minutes then she look at rarity breasts inside the tanktop while kissing and stop kissing for minute to look at each other.

Rainbow: "having fun with them tonight."

Rarity: you know it dashie!

They watching aew dynamite on the tv to see best friends with orange cassidy in the stage with rick and Morty attire.

[Here's new chapter today]

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