meet finder

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Dumbbell park his car at small parking lot and exit the car to find the dog talisman then suddenly green portal show up at right side of the parking lot and captain black enter the portal with experiment 158 a.k.a finder.

Dumbbell: "you need something sir."

Captain black: "yes, this is experiment 158 aka finder and he joined you four to find the talisman."

Gilda: "awesome thank you sir."

Captain black: "your welcome."

He walked back to the portal to section 15 and the portal is closed after that.

Gilda: "okay little dude let's find the dog talisman."

Finder nodded his head and begins to sniff on the sidewalk to find the location of dog talisman.

Male citizen: "aww what a cute creature you got there."

Gilda: "thank you sir."

They still following finder on the sidewalk for finding the location of dog talisman and toward shabby, weather-beaten house with farm animals and  in the middle between the apartment building and coffee shop then finder stop sniff a bit and he makes honk to point his finger to show the others at under the stairs.

Rover: "not bad little buddy."

Gilda: "way to go finder."

Dumbbell went to the stairs and grab something behind it then pull it out to be dog talisman.

Gilda: "alright we found it."

Beautiful gorgeous: "hello furious 4."

They right to see the dark hand with chip whistler so dumbbell put dog talisman inside his pocket to ready fight while finder went hiding with goat and pig behind the chicken pen.

Henchman x: "give us the talisman or pay the price."

Lighting dust: "how about no."

Chip whistler: "okay you ask for it then."

He running towards them in full charge but got roundhouse in the face by Gilda that send him flying through the door for a knock out.  Beautiful gorgeous hand to hand combat with lighting dust while rest of furious 4 fighting the dark hand.

Beautiful gorgeous: "not bad kid, how you learns that move from."

Lighting dust: "I learned it from master shifu of course."

She paralyzed nerves on beautiful gorgeous arm and legs then kick in the stomach to send her flying back though the fence at the coffee shop.

Female citizen: "what the?"

Male biker: "whoa."

Temutai henchman going to hit rover with a wooden club but he miss and look up to see rover on his wooden club.

Rover: "nice try bud."

He punch him in the face really hard to down for count  and walked behind henchman x to kick him in the nuts really hard to make henchman x scream shreik like a girl.

Alexander: "Right in the batteries."

Brett: "felt that in the morning."

Carlos: "ouch."

Dumbbell finish with 2 temutai henchman and only left is temutai.

Dumbbell: "give up big man."

Temutai: "I'll say retreat."

He pressed the button from his ganulet to make portal so he, officer x, and his henchmen enter the portal to escape and leave beautiful gorgeous behind then portal is closed.

Beautiful gorgeous: "wait, those idiots leave me here."

Male biker: "yup."

Beautiful gorgeous with angry groan and says, "great."

Green portal show up again behind the house to see captain black and jackie chan enter the portal.

Captain black: "good work furious 4."

Furious 4: "thank you captain black."

Dumbbell handed the dog talisman to captain black for safe keeping and finder join him and Jackie chan.

Jackie chan: "great job finder."

Gloria and male biker drag beautiful gorgeous to them from the coffee shop.

Captain black: "you going to jail beautiful."

He handcuffs her then Jackie chan take beautiful gorgeous at section 15 cell section.

Captain black: "oh by the way spike going to the dragon land with po, sparky, stitch, and thunderlane to find pig talisman tomorrow."

Lighting dust: "alright I hope spike and the others to find pig talisman."

Dumbbell: "he breath fire after all."

Lighting dust: "that's right."

Captain black wave goodbye to them and enter the portal after that it's closed.

Dumbbell: "come on guys let's go home."

Lighting dust: "you said it dude."

They exit the house begin walking on the sidewalk towards the car then red pick up pass them toward the drive away at the house to park. The door The door open by bill green and his family including cricket friend remy is back from the store and saw hug hole on the fence and the door is broken.

Bill: "what in the world just happened here."

Cricket: "I don't know dad."

They heard moaning inside the house and walked towards the broken door to see chip begins to wake up.

Chip: "aww what happened did we got the dog talisman."

Grandma green: "the what?"

His tooth got chip again from Gilda roundhouse kick.

Chip: "my tooth."

Chip push bill away to escape the house towards the stand with his employees."

Tilly: "okay than?"

[Here's new chapter for this story]

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