welcome the white ninja to canterlot city

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After school is over, rarity heading home to make a outfit to fight crime at night. At her room she pulls out white fabric on the table to cut out make ninja outfit then sew it with her sewing machine, then made purple sash around ninja outfit waist, then make purple boots for it, and after that she make mask with eye holes to see then including purple gloves too and She look at her ninja outfit on her bed.

Rarity: "perfect, better watch out bad guys because the white ninja come to canterlot city."

During nightime in canterlot city there's a girl named Octavia is heading to her apartment from her work then she stop to see robber front of her.

Robber: "give me the purse girl or else."

Octavia: "no, I will not."

Then they heard a whistle from above and look up at the building see nothing up there just moon with blue eyes on it.

Robber: "what the?"

The White ninja jump off the building on the sidewalk with the robber and Octavia.

Robber: "who are you?"

White ninja: "I'm the white ninja. Give up now or you gonna get it."

Robber: "okay I give up and please don't hurt me."

He put his arms behind his back for white ninja to tied him up for the police comes.

Octavia: "thank you for saving white ninja."

White ninja: "just doing my job ma'am."

She jumped on the wall to another wall to another and jumped on the roof with the moon to make invisible again see Octavia waving at her then she turned around to head back at her house. Next morning rarity coming down stairs to the kitchen with her normal clothes.

Rarity: "good morning."

Hondo: "good morning sweetie. You watch the news this morning."

Rarity: "no I haven't why?"

Sweetie belle: "your friend Octavia saved by mask figure come out from the moon. After that she tied up the robber because he surrender.

Rarity: "really."

cookie crumbles: "yup, I hope this the white ninja show up at city again tonight."

Rarity: "(thought) oh you will mom."

[Here's new chapter for today]

raridash story Vol. 1: The Origins Of The White NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now