the search of dog talisman

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The furious four travel to big city find dog talisman on Saturday afternoon. In the driver side there's dumbbell stallion wearing gray sleeveless shirt, blue pants, sneakers just driving in the front seat next to him it's his girlfriend Gilda wearing orange midriff shirt with black jacket inside, yoga pants, and shoes. In the backseats there's rover and lighting dust.

Rover wearing red shirt with green vest on, blue pants, brown boots, and still got his diamond collar around his neck.

Lighting dust wearing green shirt with lighting on it, short pants, and brown combat boots.

Dumbbell: "captain black told me about the dog talisman to gain immortality."

Gilda: "that's mean completely immune, rendering them to otherwise lethal attack/injuries."

Rover: "that's awesome."

Lighting dust: "yeah."

Dumbbell: "we need to get there soon before valmont goons arrive."

Meanwhile at big city farmers there's henchman x, temutai with his goons, and beautiful gorgeous walk next to chip whistler stand then video portal next to them.

Shendu: "the canterlot high furious 4 Almost here at big city to find the dog talisman."

Temutai: "we will stop them to find the talisman."

Henchman x "yeah."

Beautiful gorgeous: "one question what this dog talisman do anyway."

Valmont: "it's gain immortality."

Benny: "cool."

henchman x: " i use it to grab penguins that cost my jobs without getting hurt."

Beautiful gorgeous: "still grudges with the penguins."

Henchman x: "yeah."

Beautiful gorgeous: "(snort) hahaha."

Kiki: "what a weird laugh."

shendu: "i sense pig talisman location."

Henchman x: "where at exactly."

Shendu: "it's at dragon land in equestria."

Temutai: "home of the dragons."

Shendu: "that's correct."

Niki: "A real life dragons."

Shendu: "yes child."

Henchman x: "who's going to get the pig talisman."

Valmont: "tohru, ratso, and Two mouses."

Henchman x: "great plan."

Shendu: "remember don't fail to grab the talisman."

Henchman x: "we won't boss."

After the portal closed and chip whistler got a plan to join them.

Chip: "you need some help to find this talisman."

Beautiful gorgeous : "of course doll."

Chip with a evil grin and says,"awesome."

[Here's new chapter for this story]

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