arrive at 4 star hotel plaza

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Rainbow dash arrive at new York hotel plaza and enter the parking lot to park her car at front wall of the hotel then hit the brake and put it on park after that she turns off the engine then she look at rarity is asleep from long journey.

Rainbow: "babe, wake up we're here."

Rarity wake up and open her eyes to see the new York city.

Rarity: "that's wonderful we're at new York hotel plaza."

Both of them get out of the car and grab their luggages in the back seats, rainbow lock the doors with her key and heading to the hotel lobby but they suddenly didn't know there's skip flying above just saw rainbow dash and rarity arrived at new York city then fly back to the zoo.

Back at central park zoo with bird brain and his henchmen with a man and woman to see the elephant at his stall.

Skip: "quack!"

They turn around see skip flying down to them at the elephant stall.

Bird brain: "did rainbow dash and rarity arrived at new York city."

Skip nodded his head.

Bird brain: "excellent, I call the bosses about this."

Owl: "who?"

Bird brain: valmont and shendu

He pressed portal bracelet on his wrist to make video portal and next to burt the elephant.

Man: whoa!

Valmont: yes what's is it!

Bird brain: "rainbow dash and rarity just arrived at new York city."

Shendu: "excellent spy on them tomorrow because they very tired from their journey to their hometown. I sense horse and rat talisman inside the magic painting of hundred acres woods and duckberg."

Bird brain: "where's the magic paintings at?"

Valmont: "applejack cousin braeburn house in appaloosa at this world and yakyahistan in equestria."

Bird brain: "that's great.

Valmont: "remember don't get caught by them."

He look at man and woman next to bird brain and his henchmen.

Valmont: "you two didn't hear that, you got me."

Man: "we won't sir."

Woman: "yeah."

Shendu: "good."

The video portal closed.

Bird brain: "let's find another hotel at new York city to sleep."

Zippy: "good plan bird brain."

Bird brain: "i got new recruit for our team."

There's female with bow on her head towards them at the elephant stall.

Bird brain: "meet ewe."

Zippy: "me?"

Bird brain: "no. Ewe "

Owl: "who?"

Bird brain: "ewe! The lady sheep."

bat: "where."

Bird brain: "there! Next right to skip!"

They skip around bird brain to make burt become confused.

Bird brain: "don't skip! oh! heading to the hotel."

They exit the zoo heading to another hotel at new York city.

[Here's new chapter today]

raridash story Vol. 1: The Origins Of The White NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now