happy 1st anniversary part 2: breakfast surprise

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Rainbow exit the bedroom and wearing small white midriff shirt with a blue jacket on, green pants, and sneakers. She entered the kitchen to see hearts shape pancake with syrup on it, bacon, scramble eggs, and orange juice in the table including fork, knife, and napkin too.

Rainbow: "thanks babe."

Rarity: "your welcome dashie."

She turned off the oven and put pan to the other and take the apron off to put it on the coat hanger. She walked towards rainbow to put her arms around the neck to look each other.

Rarity: "this is going to be happy 1st anniversary ever dashie."

Rainbow dash: "you know it beautiful."

She put her hands on rarity butt to squeeze it that make her surprise yelp.

Rarity with lovely smile and say's,"oh rainbow. You gonna wait for it tonight."

Rainbow: "aww yeah."

Rarity: "let's eat some breakfast then I take the shower before going to the zoo."

Rainbow: sure

Meanwhile at canterlot high school parking lot there's flash, Pauly, cherry crash fighting with ninja chimps.

Flash toss ninja chimp to the car and kick another ninja chimp in the stomach went to the ground. Then he dropkick another one that sent it backwards to the others.

Pauly put two chimps in the wall and slam them with a door to knocked them out.

Pauly: "nighty night punks."

But she didn't realize there's another ninja chimp behind her very slowly and she back kick on ninja chimp nut that make him goes down in pain.

Apple bloom: "that's gotta hurt from that."

Sweetie belle: "you said it apple bloom."

Principal celestia: "ouch!"

Cherry crash take out two chimps with a roundhouse kick and the trio surrounded two remain ninja chimps.

Flash: "you two give up now."

Ninja chimp: "we're out of here! Retreat."

He pressed the button on portal wristband to make portal for all ninja chimps went inside the portal to valmont office after that portal is closed.

Cherry crash: "that right fools you better run to your boss."

Pauly: yeah

Staffs and students begin clapping for them at the parking lot.

Principal celestia: "congratulations you three."

Vice principal luna: "way to go!"

Gilda: "not bad guys."

Reggie: "that's was awesome guys."

Cherry crash: thanks everyone

Fluttershy: "how you three fight like that?"

Flash: "we learned it from jackie chan and master yo."

Sandalwood: radical

Pinkie pie: wowie

[here's new chapter for today]

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