happy 1st anniversary part 1

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Rarity and rainbow dash begin to wake up and open their eyes to look each other.

Rainbow: "happy 1st anniversary babe."

Rarity: "you too dashie."

Rainbow cell phone begin to ring on the table next to right side of the bed and rainbow grab her cell phone and she answered it.

Rainbow: "hello?"

Windy whistle: "happy 1st anniversary to you and rarity."

Rainbow: "thanks mom.'

Windy: "your welcome sweetie."

Rarity get out of bed to grab her bra, pantie, and night gown on the floor to put them on really quick then she turn at rainbow dash.

Rarity with lovely smile and says, "I make some breakfast for us okay dashie."

Rainbow give thumb up to her girlfriend while talking to her parents and rarity closed the door a bit heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Bow hothoof: "what's the plan for your 1st anniversary surprise to rarity."

Rainbow: "going to the zoo and I asked rarity to married me."

Bow: "really that's great dash! Me and your mom so proud of you."

Rainbow: "thanks dad! I better take a shower and eat some breakfast."

Windy: okay dear! We called you tonight."

Rainbow: okay bye.

Windy: bye dear.

She hang up and charge her phone then put it on table. She get out of bed to get some clothes and get the small box inside other pants that she wore yesterday then heading to the bathroom.

Back at the canterlot high school parking lot, canterlot city there's flash, pauly, Reggie, and first base get the car then closed it behind them.

Flash: "you got any plans after school sis."

Pauly: "hanging out with christy and the girls at the mall."

Flash: that's good

Then suddenly 12 ninja chimps just jump out of the bushes from the woods and landed behind the door to surprise flash, his siblings, cherry crash, and bright idea

Flash: ninja

First base: chimps?

Ninja chimp #1: "and we work for valmont and shendu."

Cherry crash: really

ninja chimp #2: yup, he sent us to here to Fight you."

Flash, Pauly, and cherry crash drop their bookbags on the ground ready to fight with ninja chimps. While bright idea take two siblings behind the car with roseluck and sweet leaf to watch the fight.

First base: "we got shadowkhans and now we got ninja chimps."

Reggie: "yeah you said it brother."

[Here's new chapter for happy 1st anniversary part 1]

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