the tigers and the pussycats part 3

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Apple bloom: "why shendu and valmont want to kidnapped rarity for?"

Principle celestia: "i don't know maybe they want rainbow dash surrender for final talisman and tell her about it."

Apple bloom: "I will, bye."

Principal celestia: "you too apple bloom."

She hang her phone and they exit the library towards rainbow dash car in the parking lot. Jimmy jr  and Zeke enter the library to see the door on the floor.

Zeke: "whoa what happened here mr. A it's look like bull burst through the door or something."

Jimmy jr: "yeah."

Mr. Ambrose: "it's a long story."

At other side of the city there dark rainbow and dark Jackie on the roof to see fish truck behind finn car on the road but first they playing air guitar and jump to roof to roof to roof then jump off the building on top of fish truck then dark rainbow enter the rail of the truck.

Chow: "it's them."

She open the right door to let the dead fishes out to the streets from inside the storage to finn begin to stop a bit with dead fishes on the road to make fish truck driver hit the break then finn exit the car to see both of them went to them. Dark rainbow grab finn by the shirt.

Finn: "here take it."

He pulled the half of the tiger talisman to show dark rainbow and dark Jackie.

Dark rainbow: "what to spolied our fun."

Something poking her on the shoulder to get her and dark Jackie attention then turn around to see torhu.

Dark rainbow: "this better be good."

He hit them out cold with a fish meanwhile at other side of city there's light rainbow dash and light jackie become screaming and running on the sidewalk with dark dark chasing them. They went inside jimmy pesto restaurant for place to hide then ratso and the others went inside the restaurant to see several people stare at them.

Ratso: "where are they?"

Tobi ninja spotted light rainbow dash and light Jackie hairs including jimmy pasto sticking up behind the counter inside the kitchen so they sneak in the kitchen towards them for surprise.

Tobi: "ahem."

The trio turn around to see the dark hand.

Light rainbow dash: "hello."

Meanwhile inside the small room with finn and chow with dark rainbow and dark jackie chan sitting both chairs being tied up on their wrists.

Valmont: "half of a talisman."

He put the half of the tiger talisman inside jacket pocket.

Valmont: "it's a start for suppose now tell me where's is the location 13 or i--."

He got interrupted by cell phone and grab his cell phone inside the pocket and due facetime with rasto.

Valmont: "what is it."

Rasto: "we got chan and dash."

Valmont: "i know they right here."

Rasto: "no they right here

He pressed the camera button to face light rainbow dash and light Jackie chan with tobi and his ninja.

Light rainbow dash: "hello."

Light Jackie Chan: "how you doing."

Valmont eyes went wide and look up to see dark rainbow dash and dark Jackie chain sitting on the chairs. He didn't realize something there's light and dark Jackie Chan's and rainbow Dash's this whole time but he got a idea for them.

Valmont: "there's prehaps another options bring me the talismans at section 13 and I make you two rich. Oh rainbow I set your fiance free.

dark Rainbow: "sure we do it."

Chow: "good she still hungry again but I don't know why."

Dark rainbow: "she pregnant."

Trio: "what?!?"

Finn: "but how....wait you and her having."

Dark rainbow nodded her head with sly smirk on her face to them. Finn skin pale turn white just fainting on the floor and chow heading to the bathroom to throw up and valmont just frozen like a statue.

Dark jackie: "nice."

Meanwhile at behind jimmy pesto restaurant with lights rainbow dash and Jackie Chan, tobi, and tobi ninja just waited for ratso.

Ted: "what's going on at jimmy pesto restaurant?"

bob: "beats me teddy?"

Linda: "they kidnapped them."

Ratso show up and pull up behind them then Tobi open the door to put them inside.

Ratso: "get in there."

Tobi push them inside in the back seats.

Light rainbow dash: "this seats are real leather."

Light Jackie: "(crying) those poor cows."

Tobi: "give me a break."

Then they heard something firing in this section and they might be section 14 so they get down on sidewalk for duck down then light Jackie and light rainbow peek their heads out to see jade is leaning behind jimmy pesto restaurant so they escape the car towards jade and see fire crackers start fire on the ground.

Linda: "that's a smart move."

Jade: "come on."

They Follow jade to alley towards another street from ratso and his friends and arrive another sidewalk to see rainbow dash car driving on the road towards them. Jade saw ms. Johnson in the driver seat with apple bloom sitting front seat next to her.

Apple bloom: "it's them."

Ms. Johnson hit the break next to the sidewalk and park it then they exit the car towards them.

Ms. Johnson: "where's you two other half at."

Light rainbow: "they got them."

Apple bloom: "what we going to do now."

Jade got a idea is get some help with section 13 so they get inside car then ms. Johnson star the car and drove to the road towards secret entrance for section 13 somewhere in this city. Meanwhile back canterlot city with principal celestia at her office with darkwing duck, wildcat, and Gilda.

Gilda wearing dark green shirt with black leather jacket, light blue tight pants, brown boots and black fingerless gloves on her hands.

Principal celestia: "go to unknown city to find jade and the others and rescue rarity from valmont."

Gilda: "yes ma'am."

Darkwing duck: "lets get dangerous."

Wildcat: "let do it."

[Here's new chapter for the tigers and the pussycats part 3 in this story.]

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