prologue part 2: junior year and meet jackie chan

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On Monday August 11th, 2017 in 4:36 pm

During rarity junior year at  canterlot high school and still not talking to her ex-friends and ex-girlfriend for long time. She going to her boutique to due  make dresses for her consumers with the help of blueberry cake, aqua blossom, normal Norman, and Scott Green including her family. She put her necklace on the table in the back room.

Rarity: "thank you all for helping me today."

Scott green: "no problem ."

Sweetie belle: "I'm glad to help you sis."

Hondo: "no mention it sweetheart."

Then they heard commotion inside the shop.

Unknown voice #1: "ugh freddie these thing is really heavy."

Unknown voice #2: "I know joey but we give it to the boss."

They saw two mice in the floor and carry rarity necklace from the backroom.

Sweetie belle: "they got your necklace sis."

Hondo: "hey give the necklace back."

Joey: "uh-oh we're busted freddie."

Freddie: "come on Joey."

They about run towards the door with the necklace then a man come inside the door to stop two mice.

Joey: "it's jackie chan."

Jackie: "hand me the monkey talisman please."

Freddie: "okay you win chan."

They handed the necklace to jackie chan.

Jackie: "thank."

Freddie with evil smile and says: "no sweat it chan."

He snap his finger to come out 5 shadowkhan from the shadows.

Sweetie belle: "what the heck are those?"

Blueberry cake: "beats me?"

Freddie: "attack!"

5 shadowkhan attack jackie chan while freddie press the button machine on his wrist to pop out small portal then they went through the portal after that it closed. Jackie chan kick shadowkhan in the stomach to the floor and he roundhouse kick two shadowkhan too. There's only left 2 of them.

Jackie chan: "you two want some too."

Then all the shadowkhans disappear to the shadows.

Rarity: "thank you for saving my necklace sir."

Jackie chan: "no problem."

He handed the necklace back to rarity

Normal Norman: "why those two mices want rarity necklace for?"

Jackie: "they going give it to shendu."

All: "who?"

Jackie: "He's a dragon the demon sorcerer and keeper of the talisman."

Rarity: "what's a talisman?"

Jackie: "the talisman of shendu are collection of twelve powerful artifacts named after the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac that contains an aspect of shendu powers."

Normal Norman: "whoa."

Blueberry cake: "what happens."

Jackie: "shendu subjects eventually rebelled with lo pei who turn shendu into a statue after scattering talismans inside the magic paintings."

Rarity: "magic painting?"

Jackie: "yes, lo pei tell the mystery person to paint the picture of shows and movies with a brush and magic paintings to come alive and put 12 talisman inside the painting or hidden in this world."

Rarity: "wow."

Sweetie belle: "you from the painting too."

Jackie chan: "yup it's at sugarcube corner."

Normal Norman: "that's explain it with one more thing and jackie."

Blueberry cake: "yeah."

Rarity:" I do martial arts with you for defend myself from shendu henchmen."

Jackie chan: "of course and don't tell everyone about everything about shendu, his henchmen, magic talismans, and magic painting."

Everyone nodded their heads and jackie left the store and head back at the painting inside the sugarcube corner. In 3 weeks rarity do martial arts with jackie chan at his uncle shop and protect her necklace from bad guys in all cost.

[Here's new chapter for today]

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