rainbow dash and rarity shocking surprise

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The next day at new york city central park zoo with rainbow dash and her new fiance rarity to see the zoo animals again.

Rainbow dash wearing sleeveless yellow hoodie with her sport bra inside of it, black tight pants with different lighting bolts on it, and sneakers.

Rarity wearing pink first knot midriff shirt to exposed her stomach, blue pants, and white boots with blue strips on it. She still got pocketbook around her shoulder and her hair into a ponytail.

Rarity: "to see several zoo animals and going to the movies theater to see hangover part 3."

Rainbow: "perfect plan dear."

At the penguin habitat with skipper and his team just waving at humans then skipper saw rarity and rainbow dash is coming towards them.

Skipper: "those two girls return."

Rico: "all right."

Private: "aww yay"

Kowalski: "that's wonderful."

They arrive at penguin habitat to see the penguins.

Rarity: "hey boys."

Private: "hey rarity."

Rico: "what's up rarity."

Rainbow turn around to see lemurs at their habitat and she give them peace sign.

Marucie: "i already like this girl right now."

Mort: "yeah me too."

Then rarity felt pain in her stomach to shock rainbow dash and the penguins.

Rainbow: "honey what's wrong."

Skipper: "are you okay rarity."

Rarity: "I'm going to throw up at girl restroom toilet."

Rainbow: "again I'm come with you."

Rarity: "no darling I due it by myself."

Rainbow: "okay."

She running towards the girls restroom to throw up in the toilet to make rainbow dash become worried.

Private: "I hope rarity is okay over there."

Rico: "yeah me too."

In 2 minutes later

Rainbow dash getting more worried about rarity in girls restroom including the penguins and lemurs.

Rainbow: "I'm getting worried about rarity in girls restroom so long."

Private: "yeah me too."

Then rainbow dash spotted rarity out of girls restroom with pregnancy stick on her hand that make rainbow dash because confused.

Rainbow: "are you okay rarity. And why you got pregnancy stick in your hand."

Rarity show the pregnancy stick at rainbow dash and the penguins to see positive.

Rarity: "rainbow I'm pregnant."

Trio of lemurs: "what?"

Skipper: "I didn't see that coming."

Rainbow: "your pregnant but how....that's mean our magic is back and tiny orb of my loyalty magic went inside your stomach to begin to glow a bit and stop."

Julien: "the what?"

Rarity: "that's correct honey. Are you mad about it."

Rainbow begin to smile on her face and say's, "I'm not mad at all because we're starting a family of our own."

She life rarity up and twirl around a bit then stop.

Rarity: "let's tell our friends and families about it when we get home."

Rainbow: "that's a awesome idea babe."

private: "aww that's sweet."

Skipper: "you said it private."

[Here's new chapter for this story.]

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