meet the Casagrandes

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Ronnie Anne opened the door to let her new guests with their luggages enter the room first.

Ronnie: "mom, we're home."

Her mom and her grandmother exit the kitchen to the living room see guests behind ronnie anne and carl.

Maria: "hello, I'm maria Santiago and this is my mother."

Rainbow: "greetings I'm rainbow dash and this is my fiance rarity belle, Pauly sentry, and christy pavise."

Ronnie anne: "it's okay with you, they stay here for 2 days."

Rosa: "of course dear."

Ronnie anne: "sweet, you two sleep on the living room floor while you two sleep with Carlota in her room."

Christy: "sound good."

Then suddenly hector come out from the bathroom and towards the living room to see new guests.

Hector: "hola."

Pauly: "you too."

Carl: "they defeat some bad guys at the park today."

Trio: "bad guys?"

Rainbow: "it's a long story."

Rainbow told them about the talisman inside the magic paintings in their world and equestria, shendu trap inside the statue for millions years so he and valmont to send henchmens get the talismans to set shendu free and take over the world, everybody at CHS start working for captain black at section 13.

Carl: "wow."

Ronnie anne: "that's explains it alot."

Hector: "yeah."

Pauly stomach begin to growl including her friends too.

Rosa: "you kids must be hungry for fighting with henchmen at the park."

Pauly: "yeah."

Rosa: "don't worry I making some dinner before rest of family coming home."

rainbow: "awesome thank you so much."

Rosa: "no problem dear."

Meanwhile at the park there's a dirt path inside the grass then pop out to reveal gopher from the hole.

Gopher: "wow this canterlot city look amazing."

Larid: "this isn't canterlot city and it's great lake city."

Sameer: "yeah."

Gopher: "ooh oops I accidentally made wrong turn then."

He fall down to the hole that he made and begin screaming.

Gopher: "aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Then they heard thud from the floor inside the hole.

Sameer: "that's gotta hurt."

Larid: "you said it."

[Here's new chapter for this story

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