arrive at braeburn house

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The gang just arrived braeburn house and there's applejack cousin in the front porch just waving at them then Sunset texting rarity real quick.

4 of them get out the van and get greet by braeburn.

Braeburn: "howdy partners! Welcome to appleloosa."

Sunset: "thanks braeburn, you got magic painting of one hundred acres woods."

Braeburn: "sure do ms. Shimmer."

They follow braeburn at the house towards the magic painting on the wall.

Heath: "perfect let's jump through the painting to find talisman before shendu henchmen arrive."

Braeburn: "may I join you guys."

Derpy: sure

Braeburn: "yee-haw."

5 of them jump through the painting to one hundred acres woods. Back at the hotel room with rarity and rainbow dash to put their groceries bags on the table to the groceries in the refrigerator and cabinets then put their shopping bags at their bedroom. Rarity take off her jacket and boots including rainbow too and they relax on the couch and watching tv.

Rainbow: "what a day for shopping and eating a restaurant for our 3rd date."

Rarity: "you know it dashie. Sunset and the group arrived at braeburn house."

Rainbow: "that's great."

They lean each other begin to kiss on the lips for making out and lay down on the couch then They stop kissing in few minutes and look out at each other.

Rainbow: "your beautiful and hot girlfriend ever."

Rarity: "thanks dashie."

She took off her shirt and toss it to the floor and reveal her purple bra behind her breasts.

Rainbow: "I'm ready for this."

Rarity unhooked her bra to let her breasts bouncy freely and begin her legs together on the couch.

Rarity: "go ahead play with them."

Rainbow start groping rarity breasts moving them around as rarity beautiful moan.

Rainbow: "I love the beautiful sound for your moan.

Rarity: "thanks....dashie."

She latch her mouth on rarity left nipple to begin drink the milk inside her breast and went another one to make rarity moan crazy.

Rarity: "this good dashie!"

Then she begin grope on rarity breasts again up and down with a bit of milk coming out and rarity feels her limit soon on her breasts.

Rarity: "my breasts gonna burst About now."

Arching her back as her breasts began squirting milk out of control a bit and stop to make rarity laying down on the couch.

Rarity: "that...was.....great dashie."

Rainbow top of rarity and give her a kiss on the lips for 1 seconds to look each other then rainbow says, "you and me have another round tonight."

Rarity: "yup, it's my turn now for tonight."

Rainbow: "aww yeah."

Meanwhile back with birdbrain and his henchmen at ice cream cart with ice cream vender just eating ice cream. The video portal appear behind them.

Bird brain: "what's wrong boss?"

Shendu: "sunset shimmer and her friends arrive inside the painting of one hundred acres woods to find the talisman."

Zippy: "what? Who's going to stop them."

valmont: "I send finn, snaptrap and his goons, and 11 shadowkhans to stop them."

Bird brain: "good plan boss."

Ice cream vender: "that's a wonderful idea."

Valmont: "thank you and taking a day off tomorrow because rainbow dash and rarity first anniversary."

Zippy: "awesome."

Shendu: "and remember don't get caught by them."

The video portal closed and bird brain got a idea for this afternoon.

bird brain: "let's go to see cwe at Madison square garden."

Bat: where?

Bird brain: "Madison square garden."

[Here's new chapter today]

raridash story Vol. 1: The Origins Of The White NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now