3rd date part 3: belle notte song

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One waiter exit the kitchen while holding sliver tray with two plates of spaghettis and meatballs towards rarity and rainbow dash table.

One waiter: "here's your foods ladies."

He put two plate of spaghettis on both sides of the table front of rarity and rainbow dash then he handed napkins and forks for them.

Tony and joe towards the cute couples table with their music instruments.

Waiter: "enjoy your music ladies."

They start playing with their music instruments and tony begin to sing.

Tony: "🎵oh, this is the night it's a beautiful night and they called it belle notte."

Rainbow and rarity start eating spaghetti with their forks and still listening to music.

Tony: "🎵look at the skies. They have stars in their eyes on this lovely belle notte.

Another Waiter show at the table with glass pictures of sweet tea and peach tea to pour it on their cups then he left after that.

Tony: "🎵side by side with your loved one you'll find an enchantment here. They night will weave it magic spell when the one you love is near." "🎵 so this is the night and the heavens are right on this lovely belle notte."

Bird brain and his henchmen begin to cry at the screen of tony and joe begin to their song for the love birds.

Both: "🎶this is the night it's a beautiful night and we call it belle notte." "🎶side by side with your loved one you'll find enchantment here the night will weave it's magic spell when the one you love is near."

Rainbow dash and rarity got done with their food and wipes their face with the napkins. They still listen to tony and joe song.

Both: "🎶oh, this is the night and the heavens are right on this lovely belle notte."

They got done with their singing and heard clapping and whistle from their costumers.

Rarity: "great song darlings."

Joe: "thank-a young lady."

Tony look at rainbow dash and says "great girlfriend you got there."

Rainbow dash: "yup I pretty lucky to have her."

Meanwhile at canterlot high school to see all the students went home or hanging at the mall. Dinky heading to the car who parked in the driveway with her parents waiting for her.

mr. Hoove: "where's is your sister at anyway?"

Dinky: "they going to appleloosa to search a talisman inside the magic of hundred acres woods at applejack cousin house."

Mr. Hoove: "that's right because this dragon statue want them so bad turn into a demon again."

Dinky: "and big kids in this school start working for captain black from section 13 now as secret agents except for me and other kids."

Mrs. Hoove: "really since when?"

Dinky: "before yesterday."

Mr. Hoove with stern look on his face,  "that's good and she begin dating with the former bully sunset shimmer yesterday but I don't trust her a bit."

Mrs. Hoove: "you and sunset shimmer need getting along with each other sometimes then you trust her."

Mr. Hoove: "yes dear."

They went inside the car and start driving in the road heading home.

[Here's new chapter for this story.]

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