encounter megavolt

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Goliath and the white ninja on the building to looking for bad guys in canterlot city then they spotted a villain named megavolt on the lamppost to get the lightbulb inside so they decide get down there fast while he got the lightbulb out after that he climbed down.

Megavolt: "don't worry little one I get your brothers and sisters free from their prison."

The white ninja: "not so fast villain!"

He turned around see the white ninja and Goliath.

Megavolt: who are you?

White ninja: "I'm the white ninja and this is goliath. We're here to stop you for stealing lightbulbs inside the lamppost."

Megavolt: "I'm not stealing them, I sent them free from their prison."

White ninja: "(thought) He's looney for a villain."

Then a purple smoke show up in the streets and sidewalk.

White ninja: "what the?"

The voice: "I'm the terror who flips in the night. That makes villains become shaking in fear when I come around."

Megavolt: "oh no it's him."

The voice: "I am darkwing duck!"

Darkwing duck behind megavolt

Darkwing duck: "i finally found you megavolt in this town from st. Carnard inside the painting at art shop across the street."

White ninja: "you two inside the painting too."

Darkwing duck: yup

Megavolt: "never take me alive."

He begin to run to the other side of the sidewalk but stop by darkwing duck.

Megavolt: "how you do that?"

Darkwing duck: this thing right here

He show rabbit talisman on his hand to megavolt and the others.

the White ninja: "(thought) he got the rabbit talisman."

Then she walk toward behind megavolt and judo chop on the neck to make megavolt knock down on the floor into a knock out.

Darkwing duck: thanks

The white ninja: "no mention it darkwing and one question where you found the talisman at?"

Darkwing duck: "i found it inside the mailbox at my house this morning."

The white ninja: give me the talisman because demon dragon named shendu send his henchmen to get that."

Darkwing duck: sure

He toss the talisman to the white ninja hand and put inside her pocket for safe keeping then she tied up megavolt with strong rope. Darkwing duck grab megavolt and put him over his shoulder.

Darkwing duck: "until we met again my fellow superheros."

The white ninja: we will and we need a new name for our team. What about canterlot defenders

Golitah: i like it

Megavolt: me too

Next morning

Rarity put the rabbit talisman inside her box for safe keeping and heading to school find the girl named twilight sparkle.

[Here's new chapter tonight and happy Austin 3:16 day]

[Here's new chapter tonight and happy Austin 3:16 day]

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raridash story Vol. 1: The Origins Of The White NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now