zenitsu x reader lime
anime | kimetsu no yaibaPATIENCE. SOUNDS LOVELY, doesn't it? The word alone can do so many wonders, especially since you're saying this from your own experiences. Having an annoying, yellow-haired bastard as a partner in missions taught you that controlling your temper is the key to avoid committing a gruesome murder.
Earlier this morning, you woke up due to the ringing in your ears. Zenitsu was screaming, going into hysterics all over the room we were staying in for the meantime with a reason you could only think of as shallow. It was probably because he had one of his stupid nightmares, or maybe a bug crawled in his ear and the first thing he thought of doing was causing misery to others as well.
"(Y/N)-SAMA!" Right, he addresses you as his personal savior because you saved his life more than you could count, even before he became your conventional partner in the Corps. "D-D-DREAM! I HAD A DREAM!"
You sighed. "What's it about this time?" Peeling off the remaining covers from yourself, you did your best to sit up and not lash out if the reason you're told turns out to be as stupid as you initially thought it was. Remember—patience can do so many wonders.
"Come on, Zen. Tell me or I'm going back to sleep, and you can freak out all over yourself."
"I... I was being chased by a monster version of you, (Y/N)-sama," his words began to sound like slur, because he started to cry. "It wush awfur!" (It was awful)
"Why on Earth would you tell me that?" Feeling offended, you scoffed, reaching for your blankets again in an attempt to shut him and his morning ruckus out. "Deal with it, you coward."
There was silence. No—a short pause. A pause wherein Zenitsu realized the current situation of him looking at his "savior" turn their back to go back to sleep instead. Normally, it wouldn't be so much of a bother to continue having a mental breakdown, but this was something that moved him to complete doom.
You, his savior, turned your back on him. This was more than an emergency according to
He quickly wormed his way inside of the blanket next to you, fussing and trembling as he did his best to have physical contact, feeling little to no shame that he was doing this in the first place, especially towards a girl. He copied the position of your legs, bending his own a little so it would fit in more and closer to your skin. He did these really loud breath balloons to calm himself down, but all it did was wake you up.
"Oi," you growled, "what are you doing?"
"(Y/N)-samaaa..." he whined, starting to cry again. "(Y/N)-sama, I'm scared.."
"Zenitsu, please," you pleaded, turning so you were facing him. His big eyes were staring back at you, searching for any sign of comfort he could find within. "Are you that scared?"
He looked down, thinking. It took him a few seconds before he could open his mouth again. "Yes..."
You couldn't help but release a sigh. Well, things could calm down on pretty much its own, but it would take hours. With minimum efforts to remember, the sight of him during his frequent episodes were disturbing, to say the least. Pay no heed to the over exaggeration, but he acted like he was a patient in a psych ward; pacing around, mumbling incoherent things to himself and sounding like a madman from a foreign land, and sudden outbursts.