i'n here // w x m

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tw : drowning , self harm , suicide.

takes place after whizzer and marvin broke up , or after his death. you decide >:)


marvin can still remember the burning feeling in his throat and chest.

the steam rising from the scalding water inside marvin's cracked bathtub asphyxiates him , causing him to shift his breathing pattern from long , deep breaths to short , shallow ones.

even though his skin is torrid and raw , his blood feels cold. he has been scratching at his arms for a while now , blood seeping from deep scars.

he stops the water flowing , and takes a moment to prepare himself for the end.

whizzer left.

trina hates him.

mendel didn't care.

jason would be better without him.

he lets out a choked sob , each one growing louder than the last. he wipes his eyes harshly , places the note beside him , and pushes his head deep under the sultry water.

his heart is thumping in his ears , as if it was a timer ticking down till he's free. he tries to inhale as much water as he can , his tears mixing with the water , and fade into nothingness. just like him in this moment.

he's still sobbing into the water , trying to end it as soon as he can.

suddenly , his face is met with the damp air which was settling in the room. he feels a hand in his hair , which tugged him out of the tub. his face is met with someone's chest , and he musters up the courage to open his eyes.

he splutters and coughs , water erupting from his mouth as a hand trails up and down his back.

the shirt his sopping wet face is resting on is a shade of powdered blue.

the aroma of coffee fills his senses.

his ears unblock , and he can hear the soft voice he's missed for so long.

"i'm here , marvin. it's okay baby , i'm here , don't cry please -"

the memories of the voice cause marvins heart to twist with incurable agony. he can only murmur one word.

"whizzer ?"

he pulls his face away from the mans shirt , and he's met with the all-to-familiar face of his ex-lover , tears streaming down his cheeks.

"it's me baby , i'm here."

marvin reaches out to touch whizzers face , making sure he wasn't dreaming. whizzer gently places his hand on top of marvins , the warmth of his hands making a nostalgic feeling wash over him.

"whizzer -"

and that's all it took for marvin to collapse into whizzer again , sobbing loudly and grasping onto whizzers shirt with uttermost strength.

"i'm here."

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