candid kisses // m x w

449 11 19


Whizzer stares out at the looming, dark horizon of New York as he awaits the long-anticipated email about who his photography partner is. The chilling breeze of September dances around his room, it's fingers dipping into each drawer and open space, through Whizzer's unkempt hair, and back out the window to where it came.

The unmistakable ting! of his email goes off, and he scrambles off his pastel yellow blanket to snatch his laptop off the abundant mountain of clothes and dirty laundry. He should really clean up sometime.

His grey, bundle of fluff of a cat, Lila, comes to rest on his feet as his index nail sits betwixt his pearly whites in anticipation.

His student dorm isn't big, but it fits the two of them. It's got a small sofa on which he sleeps, a semi-large TV, and a small seating area near a large-ish window, seeing out to the city he loved so dearly.

Dear students of 23-A

Hello and welcome to photography! If you've been with me before, and this is your second year, then you already know how things go!

You will be split with partners for the whole semester, completing term projects with them, until the end.

You can transfer once, and that is it.

Elizabeth Collins - Rebecca Harrolds
Dee Franseca - Julia Birds
Sammie McCarthy - Freya Childs
Deckard Williams - Bee Lloyds

He skimmed through the list of names till he got to his own.

Whizzer Brown - Marvin Collins

Marvin Collins?

He wracked his brain for any memory of Marvin, and came up short. He knew that Delia's girlfriend knew him, so he'd just have to ask her!

A knock rung through his room. Speak of the devil.

He rushed to the door, swinging it open quickly.


"Whiz!" The blonde replied, showing him a tray of lasagna, "I bought yo-"

"Yeah, yeah, no time, I need you!" He grabbed the knitted fabric of her yellow cardigan, and dragged her inside.

You see, Whizzer's apartment was like a second home to Cordelia and Charlotte, and vice versa. He would only have cinnamon scented candles along his windowsill, nothing more, nothing less. His apartment had small stars hanging from the ceiling, as a taste of home.

The blonde put her dish down after Whizzer let go of her, piping up, "So, why did you want me?"

"Look, Char knows Marvin, right?" He brushed down his denim dungarees, leaning on his kitchens marble counter.

"Uh, yeah?"

"He's my partner for photography."

"Huh. Wouldn't peg him as the photography type."

He grabbed a fork, and went to dish out two plates of lasagna, face scrunched up in thought. Marvin, "What's his hair like?"

"Uhm, curls?"

Nothing popped up in his head, so he settled for finding out in class. He gave Cordelia a plate, along with his own.

"So, how's Char?"


bzzt. bzzt.

His face was buried deep in his plaid purple pillow as he rose from his deep slumber, hair sticking all over the place. His brain slowly spluttered to life.

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