hush-hush // m x w

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i know this ain't what you read this book for,, but fück it i'm bored lmao

The lights are dim, and Jason's away for the weekend. He's gone to some friends house Marvin wasn't entirely listening to, but he knew these key points: Jason is not in the house. For the weekend. He and Whizzer are alone.

Oh, fuck yeah.

"Baby!" He calls out cheerily, finding Whizzer making a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

"Marv!" He saunters over to his lovers, placing his hands around his waist, "What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

"Well," He smirks, pressing closer to Whizzer, "Jason's away for the weekend. I thought you and I could... have some fun."

"Oh yeah? Whatever could you mean?"

"Oh baby, I have an idea." He mumbles into Whizzer's neck, pressing gentle kisses which develop into small bites.

""W-What--" Whizzer sighs, "What is it-?"

Marvin childishly grins and drags Whizzer to the bedroom.

"Strip." He demands, as Whizzer smirks and obeys, and Marvin does the same. Their eyes are locked on each other's, the hickeys Marvin left not minutes ago on his lovers soft skin beginning to bloom, showing that Whizzer is his, and no one else's.

Once Whizzer gets to his belt, Marvin grabs his hand.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not until I tell you."

Whizzer whines in response, but obliges anyway. He sits with an adorable pout on his face as Marvin places their clothes aside.

"Lay down."

Usually, Whizzer doesn't like to have orders barked at him like a fucking dog, but when it's Marvin - well, even more specifically, when it's Marvin in the bedroom - He can't complain. It's mostly a lead up of what he knows is about to happen, and that makes his stomach flip.

Marvin climbs on top of him, trailing a hand down his toned chest, biting Whizzer's neck gently. All the latter can do is sigh, and roll his head back into the pillow behind him, because the sensations that Marvin is causing him are almost too much for him to handle. It's making his legs feel like electricity is coursing through his veins, his brain trailing behind slightly.

"M-Marv-" Fuck, he's moving down too slowly, and Whizzer is, somehow, already aching to be touched.

And with an unknown strength he didn't know he possessed, he wraps a leg around Marvin's waist and flips them so he's now on top. He's developed a newfound dominance, and he's loving it. Marvin looks so stunned that Whizzer has to kiss it off him, take his lover in and he moves to unbuckle his own belt.

"You really thought you could be dominant again?" He chuckles lowly as he tosses his pants aside, making Marvin shiver, "Oh, baby, you've got so much to learn."

"I tell you what I'm going to do," Whizzer whispers, leaning down so he's in line with Marvin's ear, making sure his voice is as low as possible, "I'm gonna make sure that once this is over all you can think about is me. You're gonna feel so good."

Marvin whines, "I-I was meant--"

"Oh," He stops Marvin, "And if you make a sound, it's game over."

"What?!" Marvin yelps exasperatedly, "Whizzer, you--"

"Hey!" He presses a finger to Marvin's lips, smirking, "What did I just say?"

"Don't talk..." Marvin grumbles.

"And you know the drill. Since we can't use the safe word, what do you have to do?" Marvin responds with a harsh pinch on Whizzer's arm.

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